Chapter 20 - Brother Wolf

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**Disclaimer** I do not own Teen Wolf, don't destroy me with copyright please.

I stared out the passenger side window of Stiles' precious, baby blue jeep. It was dark out now, the sun having set about twenty minutes ago. I didn't realize we had been out there that long. Stiles buckled his seat belt and stirred the engine to life with a turn of the key. He looked over at me before letting out a heavy sigh. 

"Are you okay?" He asked me. 

I chewed the inside of my lip. I hung my head down before picking it up again and glancing over to Stiles, who was wearing a concerned expression. I shook my head slightly. "Maybe,"

"Look, I'm sorry for bringing your sister up. I had no idea - "

"No, it's not that," I said, cutting off his apology. My voice was sharper than I intended and I immediately felt bad for snapping at him. I softened my expression and looked at him. If I was going to confess my feelings about this to anyone, it was going to be Stiles. "My family trusted him...Peter. We were close, why...why would he do that? We never did anything wrong,"

"Maybe it was an accident?" Stiles suggested.

"No, no it's like he knew what he was doing, like it's all part of some grander plan. He needed me to finish his healing process," I said. I let out a huff of air and rested my head against the window. 

I always wanted to know who did this to my family, who did this to me. I thought it would give me closure, a peace of mind. In the end, it's only made things worse on what's left of my sanity. I was betrayed by someone I truly believed I could trust. He was my friend. He used to buy me presents on my birthday. He used to buy Zoe presents on her birthday, too. Then he killed her. There is no justifiable reason for murdering an innocent child. 

"Come here," said Stiles, extending out his arm. I lifted my head from the window and stared at the open space between us. Unbuckling my seat belt, I slid over to erase the air that separated us. I leaned into his side, taking in his warmth. He kissed the top of my head and I could feel his nostrils sucking in the scent of my hair. 

With his arm still draped around me, he put the jeep into reverse and pulled out of the small clearing and back onto the highway. I played with the end of his flannel shirt as he drove. I love how much he wears flannel. 

The road turned into a blur behind us, the radio humming songs from the eighties. Just being in Stiles' arms makes all the bad things go away, even if it's just for a moment. He's the most normal thing in my life, and that's saying something.

"Emma," he said. I stirred, coming out of my thoughts. "There's something I've been meaning to ask you,"

"And what's that?" I said, a tease in my voice.

Stiles brought the jeep to a halt at a stop sign, taking the chance to look me directly in the eyes. His lips tugged upward into a grin. "Will you go to the winter formal with me?"

I licked my lips and smirked at him. To be honest, I had completely forgotten about the dance with all of the events going on lately. I pictured Stiles in a suit and a tie. I thought about what I would wear, what kind of dress? What shoes do I wear? I'm no good at these kinds of things.

"Do I have to wear heels?" I asked. Stiles threw his head back and let out a laugh.

"You could wear moon shoes for all I care, as long as I'm dancing with you."

I kissed him. We didn't break apart until a horn sounded behind us, waiting for Stiles to go. We both chuckled and Stiles hit the gas. I snuggled my head in his chest, still feeling giddy. I wonder if this is what it's supposed to feel like.

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