Chapter 18 - Between the Moon and the Stars

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**Disclaimer** I do not own Teen Wolf, though I wish with my whole heart that I owned Stiles Stilinski.

I sat at Derek's dusty kitchen table while Eric paced back and forth across from me. I bounced my foot anxiously on the old and worn wooden floor panels. I was still amazed at how much had survived the fire. This place was nowhere near entirely live-able, but Derek made it work for himself.

My phone sat on the table in front of me. I tapped my fingernails on the wood, trying to relieve more of my anxiety. Derek had gone to the school to find The Alpha, but Stiles told me that the cops showed up and were now chasing Derek around on foot while he and Scott drove Derek's camaro in an attempt to flee from a hunter that was after them. Stiles said he would text me when they got everything under control.

"I should go help them," said Eric, making a bee-line for the door. 

"Eric, no," I said, shooting up from my seat and grabbing his shoulders. "Not with the Argents out there. If they find out that you're a werewolf too, they'll kill you."

He jerked himself out of my grasp and turned to face me. "They already know about me."

"W-what?" I stared at him in disbelief.

"They know that there are three betas, but Derek is the only one they know of for sure." he said.

I shook my head at him. At least they have yet to match faces to the last two betas, giving Scott and Eric some sort of protection. But it's only a matter of time before they figure it out. With The Alpha wreaking havoc all over town someone is bound to reveal themselves to the hunters. I don't want to lose either of them. I can't lose either of them.

"You know what the Argents are capable of, Eric." I said in a low voice. "You know their history with the Hales."

Eric backed away from me. "Derek is my pack, I'm going to help him."

Just as he was about to rush out the door, my phone went off from the table. I hurried over to it, feeling myself relax when I read the message from Stiles. "He says they have Derek and are on their way here now."

My brother froze in the doorway. I heard him let out a heavy sigh as he pounded his fist against the charred wooden wall. His fingers kept flexing in and out of a tight ball. There is a little boy inside the man who is my brother...Oh, how I hate that little boy. And how I love him too. He always wants to be the hero, to be the one to save the day because he couldn't before.

"They can help too, you know." I said, reminding him that Scott and Stiles aren't completely useless.

"We don't need their help." Eric hissed, stomping his way over to the table.

"It sure came in handy tonight," I said.

Eric glared at me. "I could have handled it."

"How? By getting yourself shot so Derek can run free?" I said, feeling my face go red in anger. "I can't lose you too, Eric."

My brother's face softened, then returned to a scowl. "Derek is my brother now, but you're still my sister. I will do whatever it takes to keep you and Dad safe."

"Stop pretending as though you care about what's left of this family!" I yelled, finally loosing my cool with him. If he cared about Dad and me, he never would have left. He never would have taken the bite. He would have stayed and worked through all of his problems with us, as a family.

"I do care about this family, Emma. I have gone out of my way to protect both of you." Eric said.

I folded my arms across my chest, looking at him with disdain. "Oh really? Then where were you the night at the video store? Or the night at the school? Where the hell were you when that thing was after me?"

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