Internet Rescue ||H.S|| fanfic

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•Skylers pov

I was scrolling through Tumblr until something caught my eye

What's the point of living when there's nothing to live for.

I frowned my eyebrows not agreeing with it, hitting my fingers across my keyboard typing my opinion.

@styles18 there's plenty of reasons to live love

I stare at my post thinking if it was wired until I got a reply

@skyler5 love, it doesn't exist it's a fairytale...and fairytales don't exist.

Once I read it I get a pit in my, a feeling of annoyance, anger, and curious. What made him or her feel that way? How could someone be so negative? I start to stalk him (I know I'm a creep) and I notice that isn't the only thing he's negative about, it didn't make since to me.

I start to feel my eyes get heavy by each second that passes by, slowly I close my laptop and shove it under my pillow. The last things I thought was "I'm going to figure out who @style18 was."

"Skyler! Get your ass up!! You're going to be late!!" My brother Dylan screams from downstairs.

I groan "5 more minutes" I yell, it gets quite for about a minute before he comes walking in jumping on me "wake up!" He wines "Dylan get off me!" I push him off the bed. He scroffs "fine find your own way to school" he gets up heading twareds the door.

"Okay I'm up!" I bring myself to get out of bed and towards the bathroom. I put a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and my grey hoodie. I put on my make up which was only mascara, concealer with a bit of foundation and my wing eye liner. I decided to leave my hair natural which is a bit wavy with a bit of curls.

I head downstairs seeing Dylan eating an apple waiting for me, once I walk up to him he pinches my nose "morning sis" he smiles "morning" I reply with a small smile. I grab a banana and follow Dylan out the door.

The car stops and I look at him practically bagging him not to let me go "you'll be fine it's only Monday" he shrugs "yeah only Monday" I roll my eyes letting out a light laugh. Getting out I watch him pull away before I turn and start walking towards where I meet my friends.

I smile when I see me friends Nick and Ellie walking over to me " hey girl!" Nick yells in a girly tone witch makes a few people look over "hey" I say back just has girly has him we all laugh and start talking while walking to the enterce of the school.

"I heard Mr.Horan fucked a student" Nick says Ellie gasps in disbelief "no way!" She snaps her head towards Nick, Nick nods "yep heard it " El starts laughing and we both look at her and after she clams down she specks "maybe because he was HORaNY!" She starts laughing and we join in on her joke about Mr.Horan while we walk to his class.

During class I dose off thinking of last night "I'll text him at lunch" I thought and started thinking what to say to him until I was interrupted from my thoughts by Mr.Horan. I look up and he smiles "while Miss Skyler? What's the answer?" I look at him for a sec "uh um I don't no sir" I look down, he nods before saying "pay attention Miss Skyler" then begins his lesson again.

Once I was out of class El pracltally jumps on me. I laugh "what?" I say looking at her, she rises her eyebrow "what? Mr.Horan was so checking you out!!! You lucky bitch!" I start laughing "El calm down, you can't check out a person if they're sitting down" she rolls her eyes "whatever you say Mrs.Horan" she smirks while I hit her arm, she starts to pretend that it actually hurt, "ow!" We laugh before going different ways to our next class.

Once I got to the library by myself I open up Tumblr, looking for his or hers account, I finally found it and sent a message.

"Hey" was all I could think of before I sent it. They answer a couple minutes later.

"What are you doing up this late"

"What do you mean late? It's only 12:34pm"

"Oh.well it's 10pm here"

I read the message, oh god what if I woke them up?!

"I'm so sorry! Did I wake you up, I can leave"

"No, it's fine...what did you want?"

"To talk..."

"That's it?"

They seemed pretty shocked that I just wanted to talk

"Yep, that's it"

"Oh, well I'm Harry"

So he's a guy

"Nice to meet you Harry, I'm Skyler(:"


"So what's up?"

"Just going threw Tumblr,hbu?"

"Studying for a history quiz😫"

The bell then rings and I wish it doesn't, I wanted to get to know him.

"Talk to you later, time to go back to the hell hole"

Walking to my next class all I was thinking about is that Harry doesn't seem so sad as his Tumblr makes him out to be. At least that's what I thought..

Aye! First chapter, hope you guys like it✌🏼️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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