1: Katherine's In Town

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~Book 2 is here! Hope you like it. There's a note at the end of the chapter. And I'm going to keep doing the little previews for the following chapter after the authors note. LET'S GET THIS TO 5 VOTES AND 3 COMMENTS!

Now...happy reading! 😆😘😘


Elena and I were finally getting home. I was on the phone with Stefan. "We looked everywhere. Yeah. Someone definitely took our stuff. We gotta check on Jeremy before we go to the hospital," I told him while Elena unlocked the front door. "Can you meet me there?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"Okay. I love you, Stefan," I smiled.

"I love you too, Kenz," he replied. I then hung up and followed ELena inside. I walked to the starcase. "Jeremy? Are you up?" I called. Then suddently I heard this loud clanking sound come from the kitchen followed by a groan. Elena and I shared a confused look before going to check it out.


Chapter One

Then suddently I heard this loud clanking sound come from the kitchen followed by a groan. Elena and I shared a confused look before going to check it out. Elena and I walked into the kitchen to see Uncle John laying on the floor. A knife covered in blood next to him.

Elena was faster at reacting and was crouched next to him immediately, throwing a towel over his bleeding hand. I grabbed the house phone and immediately called 911. "9-1-1, what's your emergency?" The person answered.

"Hi, I need an ambulance to 2104 Maple Street," I told the woman.

"What?" Elena questioned John and I turned my attention to them.

"Behind you," John stated. I gasped and spun around on my feet. Nothing was there. Elena grabbed the knife and stood up while I ended the call. I walked with Elena towards the front door when I felt a gust of wind behind me. We turned around and saw nothing. Out of nowhere there was more wind. We turned just in time to see the front door closing.

"Jeremy," Elena mumbled.

"Jeremy! Jeremy," I panicked, running upstairs. We both ran upstairs to find Jeremy in my bed sleeping. I shook him desperately. "Jeremy, please wake up."

"Ah!" Jeremy woke with a sudden gasp.


I was standing on the steps while the police were here and paramedics, wheeled John on the stretcher to the ambulance. Elena was waiting with Jeremy. I had callled Stefan to ask him to come here instead of meeting at the hospital. He has just arrived. "He's okay," I stated as the police tried to tell Stefan to leave.

Stefan quickly ran over to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. He kissed the side of my head before we rushed to Jeremy's bedroom. "What happened?" Stefan asked me as we entered the room.

"He said that Anna gave him her blood, then he took these pills," I told him. "And now-- I mean, he looks fine, but then again, so do you."

"So we-- I don't know," Elena tried to help me out.

"Come here. Look at me," Stefan ordered sitting on the bed infront of Jeremy, tossing the pill bottle I showed him to the side.

"No, I'm fine. I feel exxactly the same," Jeremy said, trying to push Stefan's hands away as the grabbed his face.

"Should we call a pramedic? What should we do?" Elena asked, pacing back and forward.

"No," Stefan said slowly. "He's fine."

Kenzie Gilbert: The Brave Twin (2)Where stories live. Discover now