7: Missing The Masquerade

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~Here's chapter seven. It's pretty long. I think you'll all enjoy it though. Also, again, TWO sneak peeks. Both are kind of short and don't really give anything away, but...feel free to guess/assume.


Chapter Seven

I've been locked in my room all day. I knew from my text from my siblings that they were bringing Jenna home and Matt was with them. I was laying in bed wearing leggings and one of Stefan's hoodies I stole. When I heard the front foor open and close I forced myself out of bed, I wanted to check on my aunt.

"The only thing I'm gonnd die from is embarassment," Jenna was saying.

"No," Matt assured, he had his arm around her and was leading the slow walking aunt of mine into the dining room. My twin and baby brother trailing them.

"I walked into a knife. How does somebody do that?" Jenna retorted.

"It was a freak accident," Elena said while I got off the staircase.

"Yeah, it happens," Jeremy added.

"Yeah, I mean, I've done it twenty times at the Grill," Matt said. "Okay, I'm being nice."

"Hey, careful," Elena said as Matt began lowering Jenna onto the couch.

"All right. Easy," Matt was saying, helping her down all the way. "What should I do with this?" He asked, holding a bag.

"I got it," Elena said, taking the bag from him. She had flowers in her arms, a bag over her shoulder, and now a bag in her free hand. Elena headed into the kitchen and Jeremy and I followed her.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Jeremy asked.

"Make lunch," Elena said.

"About Katherine."

"We're not gonna do anything, Jeremy."

"She tried to kill Jenna," he said quietly. "We can't let her get away with that."

"Yes. If it keeps us safe, then we can."

"What if she tries something else?" He crossed his arms.

"She won't," Elena said and he looked confused. She looked at me to help her out. I began searching the room and the two watched my curiosly. I finally found one of my notebooks and grabbed a pen. I flipped to a blank page and wrote quickly.

I handed it to Jeremy to read. I had wrote, "Katherine hurt Jenna because I didn't do what she said. Well, I'm doing it now. Me and Stefan are over. She wins. The end."

He frowned and handed it to Elena who sighed and looked at me sympathetically. "You're both being naive, and you know it," he replied.

He walked off, grabbing his coat. "Where are you going?" Elena asked.

"Out," he replied. "I'll be back."

Matt waved and Jeremy was then gone. Elena looked at me and I adverted my eyes, taking the book and heading over to Matt and Jenna. I hugged them both carefully. "No more talking?" Matt asked, nodding to the book.

I shook my head and he sighed, kissing my forehead. I waved to them both and headed upstairs back to my room. I locked the door and headed to my stereo, turning it on to play Pierce The Veil. I tossed the notebook on my desk and plopped down on my bed.

I was alone and depressed. I wanted to do nothing more than to listen to that amazing voice, lie in bed and stare at the ceiling. I tried not to start thinking because when I did it led to Stefan. My sweet, beautiful Stefan, who I missed already. I only got to be with him for a bit over a month. A month and nine days to be exact. We didn't even celebrate out month-aversary.

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