Script - The Night of Secrets (in English)

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Good and recommended for drama, or theater

MORTEDESO, The Sudden Death
GRANDOKIVEDER, The Big Watching Eye

One day in the city "Red Blood" something strange happened. Something that nobody had seen before. Something that changed the whole world and finished a big and enormous period of exhausting time. But why? The story will tell you.

My son, I wish you the sweetest and the most beautiful dream you have ever dreamed. I wish you good night and I hope that next day is going to be as awesome as it could be. Good night, my dear, treasure!

THE BOY (Dreamly):
I do not know, but this evening something is wrong. It is not like other days or nights. However, why am I thinking this way? Everyone, especially children like me, should enjoy the world and should think only about the happy things in their lives.

/In the forest/
MORTEDESO, The Sudden Death:
Yes, everyone knows, who am I! I am the villain of everything, the most powerful and strong man in the world who can destroy everything in front of him. I am Mortedeso, The Sudden Death. Many years I tried to become more and more and more powerful as anyone is, but I need a little more, a little more deaths - only one, this of a boy who is little and silly.

Be fast, be sure, be yourself, our Lord! Beat him and take revenge for everything that has happened to you for 10 years. Makes us free. Please, do your best and we will become part of you. Succeed and beat, everything defeat!

MORTEDESO, The Sudden Death:
Thank you, my little secrets, but you know it is difficult and dangerous because of my Lord, Grandokiveder, The Big Watching Eye, who sees everything and if he understands what am I doing, I will be the one killed, not the child.

/In the room of the boy/
Mortedeso leaves the forest and goes to the child's house to destroy him, but he has to be careful and silent. The boy is scared because he waits for something, for something that he feels, for something that is dangerous, but how can he say to his parents when is so confused and frightened.
Midnight, in the boy's house.

(Bells of the church ring - Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong)
THE BOY (Sleepy):
Ohh, why? This bells woke me up. Terrible. I was sure that this night will not be good and peaceful.

The boy does not know what one waking-up could cause to someone. Now on his life is changed, he is different, and he will never receive the opportunity to become a child living its happy and funny life.

THE BOY (Crying):
Mum, I am so scared. Something is wrong. Where is dad? I can't live like this.

My dear, my dear, what is happening to you? Why are your eyes so green? Are you my boy? (Start crying) Who has done this to my son? (Removing her water drops) Now, continue sleeping. Tomorrow everything will be fine. (Leave)

MORTEDESO, The Sudden Death:
Ha, ha, ha... Dump, silly boy... Ha, ha, ha... "My dear, my dear, what is happening to you? Who has done this to you?"... Who? I! Mortedeso, The Sudden Death, nice to meet you. Please, come with me if you want to be the boy you used to be. /Whisper: The last one is under my hand! Only come with me!/

I don't want to go anywhere. I will stay here until I am fine.

MORTEDESO, The Sudden Death:
Maybe you do not know who am I. Let the secrets come to see the biggest pain in the world...
Come, come, secrets here,
come, come, I am near,
come, come, kill the boy,
come, come, do it soy.
Secrets it is your turn,
let everyone learn
who am I
and who did this try!

Death, death, death, death, Lord! Death, death, Lord!..

GRANDOKIVEDER, The Big Watching Eye:
Why are you here, seedy animal? You will receive yours revenge because 10 years after I promised you everything, you want to kill me. So...

10 years later we are part of yourself. Lord, Mortedeso, he is... death!

GRANDOKIVEDER, The Big Watching Eye:
What?? He has fallen... Cold and dead! I... I... Why, my Mortedeso? You will see one day what ideath means!

(Optional: The End!)

MORTEDESO, The Sudden Death:
No, I will not because I am Mortedeso, The Deathless One...

GRANDOKIVEDER, The Big Watching Eye:
The whole world and I... lost... everything - love... power... and a child who could be useful for the world. And the most innocent one dies!


By Marto Seasons
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