To all our beloved ones.

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To all those who we love from the bottom of our hearts.
To all those who tolerated us at our worst and been there at our downs before the ups.
To all those who've known the darkest side of us but still been there for us.
To all those who brought the best out of us.
To all those who taught us how to live and to make what only makes us happy.
To all the optimists.
To all our silly attitudes and ridiculous situations we've been through that also taught us not to regret a single thing we've done.
To all the ups and downs that made us feel the curve of life.
To all the hardships that made us stronger.
To all the people who proved that happiness is not about certain people but it's all about us!
To all the feelings that kept us alive.
To all the good friends that supported us.
To places that made us know amazing people.
To tests that made us think for a while searching for what's behind.
To all those moments which made our brains work together to figure out something special.
To the situations that showed us how strong and skillful we are!

Every year is a special one, when it comes to an end, you realize how many things you've been through bravely, how you've changed so much from the year before.. May be these are moments to recall everything happened in the year and thank Allah for surviving. These are moments that show us how strong we've been and will always be! 

A year cannot be good or bad to anybody, we're the ones who decide whether our year will be an exciting and full of hopes and adventures or just another dull year that's counted on us.

•A/N: I wrote this on new years eve :'D tell me your opinion, feel free to say whatever comment you want ;) LY xx

That Messy Room Called Brain.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن