Chapter 29

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             WARNING! This chapter contains a non-gory, intense psychological torture scene. I am tagging this with a moderate warning for violence. If that bothers you, when you reach Jack's POV just skip the part in italics.

{Reader's POV}

            Running, running, panting... Can't stop now, he has to keep running. Blood trickles down from the cut on his forehead, his head throbbing, he wants to hold it but he can't, his arms are tied behind his back. He's being chased, crazed woman with a knife. One rejection—one turned-down date—how was he supposed to know that girl was bat shit insane? How was he supposed to know she was a crazy stalker who would kidnap him? He needed to get away, fast, couldn't let himself get caught. He turns the corner, nearly out of breath now, and sees a glass door. Outside... get outside. He can't use his hands, so he rams it with his body, as hard as he can. Shattering, glass shards fly through the air and pierce his body, but he can get outside now. He has to get help—

            Suddenly the lights flickered and darkness fell, making me jump in bed with a yelp. Heart pounding furiously, I glanced around in shock for a moment before realizing what had happened: a blackout. The power must have gone out. At least I wasn't blind like I'd thought. Groaning softly, I groped blindly for my bookmark to mark my place before setting down the book, a bit annoyed to be interrupted at such a climatic moment.

            Sighing, I flopped on my back and stared at the ceiling, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Even then, I wouldn't be able to read, though. Of all the times for the power to go out, it just HAD to be at the climax, didn't it? Typical. So typical. Kidnapped, almost killed, chained to a bed by a cannibalistic monster, getting sick... Luck was just against me lately, wasn't it? I groaned softly at the thought, scowling at the darkness.

            "Stupid storm," I grumbled. Like this, my options were to go back to sleep or think. I was too energized by the story's climax, not to mention I felt really hot, and right now I was tired of thinking.

            Maybe there was a third option, though. I could always ask Jack for a candle or something. While he probably wouldn't trust me with fire, maybe he'd trust me with a flashlight at least. Sure, we weren't on the best terms lately, but right now I really wanted to finish the story. From the looks of his bookshelf, I felt like he was a bit of a bibliophile, so he'd probably understand why I was so desperate for an alternate light source.

            With this in mind, I got up and carefully made my way to the door. The rest of the cabin was just as dark as my room, and I slowly stepped into the hall. "Jack...?" I called tentatively. No response. Swallowing, I raised my voice a little. "Jack?" When he still didn't respond, I carefully made my way to the main portion of the cabin, reaching the end of the hall before the chain caught. I could make out Jack's dark form on the arm chair, slumped slightly. Was he asleep or something?

            Suddenly he twitched and I sucked in a breath, stepping back and making the chain rattle slightly. However, Jack didn't seem to react to me, instead just grunting and shifting slightly. Was he having a dream...? As I watched him he twitched again and gave another small grunt. The noise he made reminded me of videos of pets and other animals having nightmares. For a second I sarcastically thought, 'What could he possibly dream about that's so bad?' Then I remembered the photos and video on Buddy's account and froze. Oh, right. There wereplenty of things to plague his dreams.

Chains: Eyeless Jack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now