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It all happened so fast... Me and my girlfriend, Maria, were heading to our vacation home in West Virginia. But then we saw someone or something on the road. ''Look out, Max!'' Maria shouted as I looked. I turned the car around the best I could. But I ended up crashing us both. At first, I thought we were dead. But we weren't. We will still alive. As I regained consciousness, I looked to my right to see that Maria was gone. I started to get all worried. I then got out of the car to go and find her. Then I saw a sign that said. ''WELCOME TO SILENT HILL''. This is where all hell sets loose, in the darkness of this damned town.

No one can save you from fate          

As Darkness spreads around the world

For he is filled with dark hate

All we need is a sacrifice from a human girl.

-People of Silent Hill

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