The Awakening

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By the time Yuki woke up it was midday. It took her a moment to remember everything that had happened, but when she did the pain came rushing back like a fresh wound. She lay in a ball in her bed crying.

How could this have happened? I thought this was real love. Yuki's chest began to grow tight, like her heart was threatening to stop. At that moment Yuki could have cared less, she wished her heart would stop so she could leave this awful world behind and join her parents. They were the only people that really loved her.

I have to leave the village, I can't stay in this house near these people.

As she rose another crippling thought hit her Iruka, he must have known the entire time. All those times he and Kakashi spoke. He always knew. He must be laughing at me right now.

The pain in Yuki's chest intensified the one person she thought was her friend was nothing more than a liar. She folded over again, the pain becoming too much. She tried to clear her head, she had to leave and fast before someone came. She trusted no one in this village now.

She stood quickly and ran for her bags, packing all she would need. The thought of a home, of a stable place, what a joke, I never should have left my family home.

Yuki pulled herself together long enough to pack everything she needed and move the bags down the stairs. She took one last look around the house she once called home, growing angry with each moment. I have a home and it's time I got back to it.

Yuki knew full well she couldn't just quit the village and she already had a plan for that. Next stop the Hokage.


Iruka had been on edge all morning since the ANBU had visited him before the sun was even up. A note from Kakashi that told him everything that had happened before he left was sitting next to him on his desk. Iruka knew Yuki wouldn't come to the academy and he also knew she blamed him.

She's smart enough to put two and two together. I'm Kakashi's friend she knows I knew the whole time. She's never going to speak to me again.

Iruka was a mess of emotions, he was furious with Kakashi for this stupid plan he was roped into and he was sad because he knew Yuki hated him, but he was also scared at what Yuki's next move would be.

I have to find her. Iruka quickly found another sensei and explained that Yuki was sick and he must go check on her. Without really waiting for an answer he took off in search of Yuki, not sure where to even begin.

The first stop Iruka could think of was Yuki's home. He knocked with no answer and deciding to look inside from the window. The place was spotless, as usual, but Yuki's most personal belongings were gone. All that was left was what was given to her by the villagers when she first moved in.

The gate!! Iruka took off to the main gate of the village, hoping to catch Yuki before she left. I'll wait as long as it takes.

Iruka found a spot that allowed him to see everyone coming and going. It wouldn't be too hard to pick Yuki out she would have at least two bags with her.

Iruka was ready for the long wait, when he spotted Yuki approaching the gate, exactly two bags in her hands. He didn't know what he would do, but he ran for her anyway.

He stopped short in front of her, not saying a word. She kept her features even, yet cold. He could feel her hatred towards him.

"Are you leaving?" Iruka asked, feeling as if he would cry if she said what she truly wanted to say

"Yes. This is the month of my parent's birthday I have spoken with the Hokage about spending this month in my family home out of respect." Yuki answered like she was reporting orders. The friendliness she always had towards him completely gone. Did I expect anything else?

"Oh. Can I help you on your journey?" Yuki watched the pleading in Iruka's eyes, but she wasn't buying anything anymore. Our friendship probably wasn't real either.

"No I'll be just fine. Thank you. Goodbye Iruka." The way she said goodbye hurt more than anything Iruka had ever experienced.

"Yuki please I..." Iruka's gaze pierced her, she couldn't have him do this here.

"Follow me to the end of the road, no further" She said coldly. She didn't want him making a scene, no one else needed to know about her humiliation.

A few villagers called their goodbyes and expressed how happy they would be when she returned, Right, when I return.

Yuki and Iruka set off for the end of the road, she would give him a mile, no more.

The walk was in silence, Yuki refusing to give Iruka one of her bags, the last thing she needed was for him to hold one of them hostage or destroy it. Who knows what could happen now, Yuki's entire world was turned upside-down.

As the road began to separate and the end was mere steps away Yuki stopped and turned to Iruka who had been walking with his hands in his pockets and head down. She stared at him waiting for what he had to say, It is far more than you deserve.

"Yuki I won't deny I knew what was going on because that would be a lie. I will say I never agreed with it. I begged Kakashi to tell you, there was no reason not to. I really don't want to see you go, we have grown into such great friends." Yuki did not interrupt Iruka the way she had with Kakashi, she let him finish even though she didn't know why.

"Iruka I can tell you the only thing I believe out of your mouth is that you knew what was going on. As far as the rest goes I will never believe a word anyone in that village says again. The only reason I even told the Hokage I was leaving is so I wasn't dragged back for treason. You can have your great friend Kakashi when he returns and forget all about me. I am nothing but a cruel joke and an embarrassment. I have shamed myself and my family. I will likely never return to the Hidden Leaf."

Iruka felt the tears in his eyes. The beautiful, warm Yuki he had grown to love was no longer there. She had returned to her roots of being a ninja for hire, keeping everyone at a distance. We did this to you Yuki and I will never forgive myself for it.

"Yuki please, it's not safe out here with the rogue ninja's around. Who knows what could happen to you. Please come back to the village. I swear no one knows what happened between you and Kakashi. I'll never even talk to you, but I just won't feel right leaving you all alone in the woods." Yuki watched the tears slide down Iruka's face and felt absolutely nothing. Her heart was a rock in her chest, something to never be thought of again.

"Like I said Iruka I believe nothing. If something does happen to me I will just assume it was a set up by you and Kakashi, perhaps to silence me further. If that is the case please offer me a quick death. I do not wish to live in this world a moment longer." With those last words she turned and left Iruka standing there crying.

"Yuki!" Iruka yelled running after her. He dropped to his knees in front of her preventing her from moving any further "What can I do to gain your forgiveness? I'm begging you, please forgive me"

Yuki looked down at Iruka. His head bowed in front of her, his hands hanging by his sides as his tears began to form a small puddle in front of him. If this had been just a day ago Yuki would have been on the ground with him, arms wrapped tightly around her friend, but not anymore. The person in front of her was nothing but a fake, someone who had made a fool of her. She would never give anyone that chance again.

"There is no need for me to forgive you, you must simply forgive yourself. I always thought of you as such an amazing person Iruka. You were the reason I wanted to become a sensei, but you and Kakashi are nothing more than the same person. I have no words to describe the two of you, I have been through enough this day. Think of me no more. Simply live your life as I turn into a fading memory, which is what this will all be to me." Yuki looked down as Iruka's tear stained face rose to meet her. Before he could say more she turned her back and walked off.

Iruka could do nothing, but watch her walk away as his tears intensified. Memories of their friendship playing out in his head, especially last night's dinner. The pain in his heart grew and grew. I hope you're happy with yourself Kakashi. I will never forgive myself or you for as long as I live.

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