The Pain

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Hello amazing people!! Thank you all so much for your feedback and support of this story! I'm soooo happy you have all been enjoying it!! Good news: I have finally graduated from school and am done forever!! I hope to have this story wrapped up by the end of the year, however, updates may be slow as I adjust to my new job. Again, thank you all so much for being awesome, I promise to give you guys nothing but my very best!!

Truly yours,

A girl who never expected to write a story and publish it :.D


Iruka brought Yuki inside and laid her onto her bed. She was not moving, but she was breathing with a slow heartbeat.

What could have happened out here? Iruka rushed through possible scenarios of a bug bite or bad food being the cause of Yuki's collapse. The best he could do was wait for her to awaken, if she was not responsive in an hour he would send for help.

Iruka moved to the kitchen to retrieve a wet cloth to wipe the sweat off of Yuki's face, she was so pale and looked so fragile. Iruka sat in a chair by her bedside and took her hand.

"This feels all too familiar, huh?" He said with an uneasy laugh, but received no response "At least I am here with you, I'm sorry it took so long."


Kakashi was settling into his room for the evening, light was slowly starting to slip away from the day and the rebels had all been placed in their holding cells. Village 6 was well prepared and ready for their arrival, even going as far as to make sure all members of the escort team had rooms and food waiting. As always Kakashi left his team to their own devices while he took solace in his room.

As long as they don't break any laws they can do as they please. Kakashi thought moving towards the bed.

Mere inches from the bed is when he felt it. The pain surged through his body causing him to drop to his knees and press a hand to his chest. His eyes shut tight as he doubled over and gasped for air.

Somethings.... Wrong.... With...

Ignore it!! Shouted the darkness inside Kakashi's head

Kakashi continued to struggle for breath, the dark presence in his head slowly parting as he searched for what was wrong.

I can feel...

Stop! We don't need that, we've moved on, remember?! The voice was a growl echoing throughout Kakashi's head

No! I don't need you!

With as much force as he could muster Kakashi pushed the presence aside and broke free of its hold. He moved quickly towards the connection and reached Yuki as fast as he could, but there was nothing to reach. It was silent, not an emotion or feeling anywhere.

Finally able to breathe as the pain subsided he pulled himself up to the bed. He gazed out the window to the setting sun, knowing he was not leaving until morning.

I have to leave as soon as possible, and with that thought he rushed out the window to find his team.

Yuki needs me. I've been blind to think I could stop all of this from happening. Whatever it takes I'll get Yuki back, I hope I'm not too late.


Iruka was beginning to become worried, it had been almost half an hour and Yuki was still unresponsive.

I cannot risk this, I have to go for help.

As he began to rise he felt Yuki grip his hand lightly. Iruka's gaze moved quickly down to see Yuki's eyes open and looking up at him.

"Iruka" Yuki whispered with a sad smile

"Yuki," Iruka dropped to his knees and placed his face close to hers "how are you feeling?"

"What happened?" She looked around puzzled

"You collapsed as soon as you opened the door for me. Hopefully I didn't scare you that much" Iruka said with a small laugh causing Yuki to do the same

"Of course not" She said as she moved to sit up, her back braced against the wall.

Iruka watched as she winced with pain, finally settling into place.

"How have you been feeling lately?" Iruka looked at her, concern written all over his face

Yuki stayed silent as she studied his face, this is no time for my anger to take over. Look how much he cares, it must have taken so much for him to come here.

"I haven't felt like myself in about a month, but it's just recently become worse."

"Can you think of a reason why?"

"Kakashi," Yuki looked over at Iruka before continuing, she didn't want to say it out loud "placed a lock on our connection. Once he did that the flow of his chakra was cut from my body, but the seal is a chakra seal so I still have a remnant leftover. I think it's making me sick because I'm trying to balance both chakras with such a small amount of his that's left."

Iruka looked at Yuki in shock, Kakashi locked her out? What is he thinking?

Yuki watched as Iruka's thoughts ran wild and she couldn't help but smile. She realized then she had missed him more than she wanted to admit.

Iruka was still lost in thought when he felt Yuki's arms come around him, her head resting on his shoulder. He quickly wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly to him, smiling as he rested his head against hers.

"I'm so sorry Yuki." Iruka whispered as he gently stroked her hair. He felt her body stiffen at his words.

She moved back to face him, her arms holding onto him as her eyes connected with his.

"I tried to shut you out to protect myself from the hurt I felt instead of trying to work through this pain. It was not the best option, but it was what I thought I had to do." She paused with a small smile as she collected her words "I don't want to lose you"

Iruka smiled widely as he pulled Yuki into another embrace.

"That's impossible Yuki, I'm not going anywhere"

Iruka was happy as he sat holding Yuki tightly to him. He knew he would have to work through this mess about Kakashi, but first he needed make sure Yuki was healthy.

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