Part two: loser

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"Hyung?" Jimin called to his best friend from the desk in Yoongis room. Yoongi lay on his bed, I'm his phone, but he looked up immediately when Jimin called.

"Hm?" Yoongi answered.

There was a pause. Yoongi knew exactly what it was. Jimin was being timid. Whatever he planned to say he was unsure about whether or not he should do it.

"Would it um-" he started. Yoongi was giving him his undivided attention, staring at his younger friend. "Would it bother you if I talked to you about something?"

"Not at all Jimin. Come here." He said tapping the empty spot on the side of his bed.

"What's up?" Yoongi asked, curiosity and concern lacing his voice.

"Um. I don't know. How should I say this..." His eyes looked up, and his neck rolled back like he was thinking of a way to phrase what he wanted to ask.

"Do you think I'm ugly?"

Yoongis heart dropped in his chest. Here was, in Yoongis opinion, the most beautiful person on the planet asking him if he was ugly. Why would he ask that.

Now that Jimin had began talking he couldn't stop. Words just seemed to spill out of him.

"Because people always look at me weird Yoongi. And I used to think maybe..." He looked down. "Maybe they're just having a bad day and it's not me they're looking like that at, but it happens so often, and I'm sure they're looking at me. And I go home, and I look in the mirror, and I don't like it. I don't like anything about myself."

Jimin's eyes were welled with tears the entire time he spoke, and when his eyes Finally met Yoongis shocked expression, his tears fell.

" I knew it." Jimin said. "You haven't said anything. I knew it you agree with them. I'm so pathetic crying over this."

Yoongi was stunned into silence. How could Park Jimkm think these things about himself. Did he own a mirror? Finally Yoongi mustered up a few words.

"Oh, Jimin."

Jimin continued to look at him,

No longer quiet let crying. He was audibly crying, harshly sucking in air, and it would vibrate causing his body to shake. He kept trying to stop himself, but he just ended up crying more.

Yoongi reached his thin hands out and grabbed Jimin's, who's eyes immediately widened. His heart began to beat within his chest.

"Jiminie. I'm not quiet becuase I agree, Oh god." He laughed a little before spelling again. "It's because I'm shocked. Every time I see you all I can think is how you take my breath away. God Jimin everything you do."

Yoongi didn't know where the sudden confidence came from, but he took one hand and brought it up to cup Jimins face. Jimin's eyes were locked into Yoongi's.

"When you slide your hands through your hair ask you're stressed, and the light that shines behind your eyes when you're excited or when you smile. Of how you're aboundingly kind. Not only that but your an angel Jimin. Your eyes shine and your skin, all I want to do it touch it. You are beautiful."

Yoongi slid his thumb over Jimin's cheek feeling his skin and wiping away some tears in the process.

Jimin couldn't breathe. He wanted to lean forward just the few inches and kiss Yoongi. Yet, insecurity racked him.

 How could someone like Yoongi even give him a second glance? And why is he bothering with him now?

But what Jimin didn't know is that Yoongi's heart was racing. He knew Jimin was feeling only insecure and that he didn't actually like him that's why he wasn't pulling away, yet Yoongi still wanted to kiss all of his sadness away.

"Jimin?" Yoongi asked never taking his eyes of Jimin. "Can I uh-" he rubbed the back of his neck. "Can I kiss you?" As the words left his mouth Yoongi wanted to slap himself. Why did he stutter, and what did he expect besides for Jimin to be weirded out and never speak to him again.

His fear was broken when he heard Jimin whisper in a hushed voice, "Please."

Yoongi leaned in, his hand still in Jimin's cheek.

The pair would never forget the feeling of the first time the others lips touched theirs. It sent chills through their entire body. Nothing could quite compare to the feeling, the only thing that was apparent was the happiness it brought them, and the need for more.

Yoongi sat forward, leaning into Jimin. Again feeling rather bold, he scooted himself forward onto Jimin's lap, who immediately wrapped his hands around the small of Yoongi's back, pulling him into him.

Yoongi pulled away and placed his hands in Jimins chest pushing how down, so that he was now laying on the bed.

"I like your eyes." Yoongi said kissing both of Jimin's eyes, as they softly fluttered shut.

"And your button nose." He moved down his face kissing his nose.

"And how your checks turn red when you're embarrassed or happy."

"And I love your lips now even more before because I get to to this." He kissed Jimin's lips again, who sat seeming fragile, his skin soft and vulnerable from tears coming down it.

Yoongi began kissing his jawline, bring his hands up to trace it and he moved to his neck mumbling some words about the curve of Jimin's neck.

He heard Jimin from above him who had, until a moment ago been laying stiff, until he began to giggle, and Yoongi stopped.

"Wow." Jimin said in an awestruck tone giggling again. "I can't believe this is happening. I feel so happy Min Yoongi is kissing me. Me of all people."

"Why wouldn't I kiss you? You're just precious. I like what you're doing now by the way. Being all shy. It drives me crazy."

Jimin merely blushed at him comment.

"You're such a loser. The lovely attractive loser I now get to kiss. Okay. I'm rambling now. I'm just going to kiss you again." Yoongi said.

"Please do."


A/N: I am actually fluff trash. Kill me

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