Chapter 15 - Another step closer

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''Muskuraane ki wajah tum hoooooo,
Gungunane ki wajah tum hoooo''
Nandini was singing loudly and off-key and Manik groaned as he pulled onto the driveway. She had been singing all the way back home after having successfully made him smile. 

He parked the car and got down, opening Nandini's door. ''Chalo, get down.. And for God's sake, stop singing now'' Manik commanded. Nandini shook her head and ordered ''Mujhe utha kar leke jao''. Manik sighed and picked her up. He carried her inside and went straight to his bedroom, dumping her on the bed. ''Abhi no natak. Get under the covers and go off to sleep.'' He said sternly.

Nandini stuck out her tongue at him like a naughty child and began jumping up and down on the bed, giggling all the while.

Manik clenched his fists and fake threatened ''Okay, Fine. Do whatever you want. I'm leaving.'' He turned around, and as he expected, Nandini ran and grabbed his hand, saying in a little voice ''Nooo, Pwease don't leave me. I'll go to sleep..''.

Manik smiled and mentally patted himself. She obediently climbed into the bed and Manik seated himself beside her, tucking her neatly under the covers. He then noticed tears brimming her eyes. ''Kya huwa?'' He asked in concern, wiping off her tears.
''Manik, mujhe Ayyapa promise karo ki tum mujhe kabhi chhod ke nahi jaoge.'' She said innocently, her big eyes looking questioningly at him.

Manik looked straight into her doe-like eyes, ruffled her hair and replied with full sincerity ''I promise, Kabhi tumhe chhod ke nahi jaunga''. At this, Nandini gave a joyful and content smile and placed her head on Manik's lap, closing her eyes. Manik felt a tug at his heart . She has made her way into my heart yet again.. Or maybe she had never left it.
He bent and softly kissed her forehead.

She's so innocent, and has a pure heart just like a child. She needs to be protected from this cruel world. I cannot let any harm come to her. I'll ask her out tomorrow, I think its time to take our relation to a new level.

Thus, silently promising himself, he too gently drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, the sun's rays fell on Nandini's face and she cringed, trying to shade her face from the blinding rays with one hand. She opened her eyes to the most blissful sight - Manik's flawless face above her. He was asleep with her in his lap, and for a moment Nandini wondered if she was dreaming. She adoringly stroked his sleeping face and in an instant his eyes flew open. Nandini gasped in surprise and jerked up, shouting ''You..You're real!!!'' Almost immediately, she felt a throbbing pain, and she held her head with both hands, groaning. Manik shook his head at her and went out, returning in a few minutes with a glass of lime water.

''Yeh lo.. Issey pee lo. You'll feel better'' he ordered.

Nandini drank it, and sighed on getting some relief. Then, panic mode struck her. She turned to Manik and asked ''Main yahan kaise aayi ? Tumhare ghar pe? I-I don't remember anything''.

''Last night you got drunk.''

''What?! I don't drink and waise bhi, I didn't drink anything other than a fruit punch last night!'' She shouted in bewilderment.

''Your drink was spiked, Nandini'' Manik replied patiently.

''OH SHIT!! Manik, kuch huwa toh nahi na..?'' Nandini asked, gesturing towards the bed.
Manik threw his head back and laughed for a good minute at what Nandini was trying to suggest and Nandini stared at him impatiently. He finally stopped and responded ''Jo tum soch rahi ho waisa kuch nahi huwa hamare beech..''
Nandini sighed in relief.

''Lekin..'' Manik continued.

''Lekin..?'' She asked, her anxiety returning.

''Lekin ... kal raat tumne apna wild side mujhe dikha diya'' he replied, making weirdly sensual expressions. He was enjoying teasing her. Nandini made a disgusted expression and replied ''You must be joking. Mera koyi wild side nahi hai''.

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