Donnie: Dare.

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Abbie: Guys, I like you to meet someone.

Mackenna (@KennaRaphBUSCUS): HI EVERYBODY!

Abbie: *Covers ear.* Gah! Kenna! Guys, this is Kenna. My very random and LOUD friend.

Zia: Finally! We even out the boys!

Mackenna and Abbie: *Chuckles.*

Abbie: Unless you're not counting Splinter.

Zia: True.

-Computer dings.-

Mackenna: Oh! Computer!

Abbie: *Snatches laptop before she gets it.* Yeah. The one I built!

Mackenna: Cwool. *Sits on the couch next to Zia.*

Abbie: *Sits on the couch next to Raph and reads dare.* This is to good. *Begins to laugh.*

Donnie: What is it?

Raph: It says,

Dear Donatello,

I dare you to wear a mouse costume with a moustache, sit in April's lap and act like a cat. Then change into a dog. Then dance and sing a song chosen by Raphael Then yell "Unicorns eat chickens and youbare my peasant!" to April. With everyone in the room including Master Splinter.

Sincererly, NPSweetGirl.

Donnie: I still say she's not sweet.

Mackenna: Oh shut it. I have one in my house. It's too long for me so it should fit Donatello. *Leaves.*

Zia: Well then. I have a moustache in my pocket right here.

Abbie: Are you like Mikey with water balloons?

Zia: *Looks innocent.* Maaaaayybe.

Abbie: *Rolls eyes and dodges water balloon thrown by Mikey.* Missed! *It hit Raph.*

Raph: Ya dead, Mikey!

Mikey: Gah! *Runs away from Raph.*

Abbie: *Chuckles.* I'll text April and tell Sensei about the dare. *Goes to dojo.*

Donnie: Do I have to?

Zia: Do you want to get beat by nunchucks?

Donnie: No.

Zia: Then yes you have to.

Mackenna: *Comes back with mouse costume and puts Donnie in it.* IT FITS!

Donnie: *Covers his ears.* I can see what Abbie means by loud.

Mackenna: Shut it, Nerdzilla.

Raph and Abbie: Hey, thats our nickname for him!

Abbie: Get your own!

Splinter: *Comes in.* Hello, Mackenna.

Mackenna: Hi, Master Splinter.

Abbie: *Phone buzzes.* April is on her way. Zia, finish getting Donnie ready and hide him.

Zia: *Pushes Donnie out.*

Raph: Now what song should he sing.............

Mikey: How about the gummy bear song?

Everyone except Splinter: NO!

Abbie: How about "My songs know what you did in the dark"? It'll make him sound like a stalker.

Raph: That sounds good.

April: *Comes in.* Hey, guys. *Sits on the couch.*

Abbie: *Smiles.* Donnie! April is here!

Donnie: *Walks in and sits on April's lab.* Meow. *Fakes purring.* Woof! *Begins panting.* Ugh. What song, Raph?

Raph: "My songs know what you did in the dark."

Donnie: I hate you.

Raph: Good to know.

Donnie: *Begins singing and dancing.*

-Song ends.-


Everyone INCLUDING Splinter: *Rolls around on the floor laughing.*

Splinter: *While laughing.* I have not laughed like this in awhile.

Abbie: Comment, Dare, and Ask Away! *Laughs harder.*

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