Chapter Seventeen: Weep Little Lion Man, Weep

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Chapter 17: Weep Little Lion Man, Weep

“Weep for yourself, my man,
You'll never be what is in your heart
Weep Little Lion Man,
You're not as brave as you were at the start
Rate yourself and rake yourself,
Take all the courage you have left
Wasted on fixing all the problems
That you made in your own head.”

-Little Lion Man, Cover by Tonight Alive, Originally by Mumford and Sons

Staring down at the suit my mother had bought me earlier this week- sent to me via UPS- on my messy bed for tonight’s banquette I couldn’t help but feel like it was taunting me. The expensive material cut foreshadowing an epic end to my reign at this camp. Well, if you could call my two weeks at this camp a ‘reign’. I just had this feeling that everything bad that could possibly happen will happen. It’s like the perfect recipe for the downward spiral of Skye Rodriguez, my male alter ego.

The two people, Carter and Piper, who loathe my very existence, now know my biggest secret. And if they planned on revealing my true identity to the world in the worst and most painful way possible, then tonight would be the ideal setting for that presentation, especially since the people I have come closest to will all be present at this banquette. Then again, maybe they were using a type of reverse psychology on me. You know maybe they were influencing these synthetic thoughts into my mind; forcing myself to enter a state of paranoia. Making me think that they will strike tonight when in reality they do it another day when I least expect it.

Yeah, that sounds idiotic even to my ears.

If this is some cliché ending story (because that is exactly what it is) then it is all going down tonight, and I am crapping my pants just thinking about it. But unlike most stories I am going to take my fate into my own hands. I am not going to be the moronic protagonist who ‘lets the chips fall’ into place and goes with the flow because of their sheer ignorance; I am going to be the first to tell Blaine and hope to the lord all mighty that he won’t kill me after I tell him the truth. I mean better to hear it from me than to hear from someone else right!

Power to the Austin!

“Okay, so there is a buffet that is calling our names and we do not plan on missing out on the free food. See you laters!” Jared said while turning the knob to the door with an eager Eli running behind him.

“What? But the thing doesn’t start for another like hour!” I said trying to loosen my tie that was practically suffocating me. I told my mom to get me a clip on, but no she had to get me a real one, she knows I hate tying these things.

“Yeah, but we need to be the first there so we can eat! We are growing boys Skye!” Eli said as he shut the door to the cabin.


They would leave me here all alone with Blaine. Then again if I ever wanted the perfect moment to tell him, then I guess now would be the ideal time, right? Or maybe I just shouldn’t tell him, I mean he can find out tonight or later. How about never? I like the sound of him never finding out! Just let him live his life without knowing my biggest, possibly darkest secret! Jeez, why didn’t I think of this before? Stupid Austin! That is so much better than actually going through the stress of having to tell him, or having him know! This could definitely work. No! I need to tell him, I have to be the one that tells him.

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