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Personally, I really hate writing announcements in my stories (unless they are at the end of course) but this is a pretty important message! 

So first off I want to thank everyone again, new readers and those who have been with me since I started this story around two years ago. 

A saying I have always found astoundingly true was that a writers work is never actually done, you never truly finish a story.

So, as for this story, I want to be able to possibly send it off to be published or something, you know? And the way it is written is very juvenile to say the least, especially seeing as I have matured since I had been a sophomore in high school :)

And in order for me to do that I am going to have to re-write, re-write and re-write! Which means a lot of things are going to possibly change in this story.

But don't get your panties in a twist! 

This process is probably going to take a pretty long while, frick this descisions took me like a whole year to make!

The story will stay up as is and I will have my own personal copy, but I am going to start to write (or type I guess!) a new version of it and maybe even post it up on here for you guys to read!

So, when and if I decide to post it up, I want to make sure you guys are not only ready but to also warn you.

If I re-write this a bit, change a few facts and things around I know you guys might be a little... upset. and I understand! It won't be the same, it won't be the characters you grew to love with all your heart or hate with a fiery passion. It won't feel the same and I know how us humans can be about change to something we love so dearly.

But you do have to realize that it is my story and I can do with it as I please. I would love your criticism, your support and your comments. However, please do not write off the story so quickly because of the fact that I want to change a few things here and there. Give it a chance and just trust me :)

The whole point of this is me just telling you to Trust me! I love all of you, you are my little humans and I would never try and dissapoint any of you!! Trust me and who knows maybe you will see it on book shelves or even on Amazon! 

Thank you for reading this, thank you for understanding and for those who want to know about a Sequel, there will not be one at this moment. I am working on something, but with school, work and playing colleigate lacrosse my life is... a wibbly wobbly mess:)

I will probably delete this message in a week or two, give you guys some time to digest it and what not.

Until then,

P.A Zaragoza

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