Meeting You

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A tea party sounded quite cliché to me at the moment, and I would have rather stayed curled up in my room on my bed for the rest of eternity rather than go and make small talk with people i have no interest in meeting. Instead, I sat like a good little princess at the head of a table smiling politely at everyone seated around it. I talked to a few people I havent seen in a while, sipped some tea and had a few crumpets, but only about 10 minutes had passed and i was ready to bolt. Kaori, the woman i was currently talking to, mentioned a name i did not want to hear at all, and right on cue as if summoned, he appeared.

"Afternoon, sunshine." Shit. I turned around knowingly, instantaneously recognizing the voice behind me,"How are things?"

"Gavriel." I gave a nod in acknowledgment towards him. "Things are fine."

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Well... I can certainly see that you missed me..."

"...." I stayed absolutely quiet, just staring at him. Whenever hes around, hell follows, my heart threatens to jump out of my chest, and the different voices in my head start argueing.
I really wish she hadnt said his name. No matter what you do, it always seems as though he senses when hes even thought of and shows up.

He archs his left brow at my silence and opens his mouth to speak yet again when Korai pushed passed a few people and intterupted him,"Rayne! Rayne!" I then noticed the joyous smile she wore, and that she had someone in her grip in tow behind her. "I want you to meet someone!!!"

Oh no, here we go. please dont be another arrogant ass angel friend... I rolled my eyes slightly at the thought. When Korai was finally in front of me, i looked at the man beside her.

He was much taller than both me and korai, as well as Gavriel. Then again, Gavriel was about my height. He had caramel skin and wore so much yellow I wondered where he came from. I know some of the outlander countries has a certain color to wear.. His hair was storm colored and his eyes were golden. I had to admit, he was quite handsome. Oh no you dont! There was that voice in my head. Dont even think avout any of that stuff.

I sighed. I glanced at where Gavriel previously was, finding that my eyes kept searching for him. Not that i was surprised. He always leaves.

My eyes roamed and accidentally caught the golden eyed strangers gaze. It seemed like a staring match as our gazes locked.

...His golden eyes... Remind me of the light i once lived in...

"Aomine, this is her Majesty Rayne Avori, the shadow demon queen! Rayne, this is my Fiance, Aomine Crescent." I cant help but notice the complete lovestruck tone she used when she said his name. "Hes a lightning dragon neo knight!"

"..." Our gaze was still locked. I held out my hand for him to shake. For whatever reason, i really did not want to bow or curtsie to him. "...How do you do."

He smiled nonchalantly and laughed taking my hand,"Hello."

Gavriel then reappeared beside me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and it took everything i had not to pull his arm from hid shoulder socket. The sudden urge to was odd, I never had a problem with him doing it before.

Gavriel smiled and i looked up at him. He gave a smile towards the couple.

... I could have sworn i seen a trace of wickedness behind it.

"Hello. Welcome to my kingdom." He said. A crown suddenly appeared on his head.

Oh god.

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