Cup of Sugar (Skydoesminecraft) Chapter 19

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After emotionally collecting myself, I checked into Holiday Inn for the night. I had to wake up early to get back on a plane to get home in time for school tomorrow since today was Sunday, and Monday would be the last day of school. I couldn't wait; it would be the end of teachers, other annoying students, homework and projects. Three months free of school's reigns. How amazing is that?

Fucking amazing.

I picked up my small white satchel and pulled it over to my shoulder, letting the long strap cross over to my hip. I examined myself in the body-mirror next to the bathroom door in the small temporary bedroom. I fluffed up my hair, pushing some stray hairs back down to my head. I was going to head over to a restaurant to get some food in my stomach; I was starving.

Just as I was walking out the door, my phone rang. I flipped open my satchel and grabbed the vibrating device, bringing up to my ear after pressing the green button to answer.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone, beginning to walk down the hallway to go to the first floor.

"Hey! It's Sky," A familiar voice responded. I smiled to hear him; it just hit me how much I missed him. I had given him my phone number in case he wanted to call me.

"Oh, hey," I responded cheerily. "I just walked out of my hotel's door when you called." I giggled.

"Ha, well, I was just checking on you. Y'know, making sure you didn't die or anything."

"Wow," I replied, laughing while I said it. "How have you been, anyways?"

"It's sooo boring without you here," He groaned. "I mean, all I've been doing is just hanging around at home. Dakota is out shopping right now, so yeah, it isn't the greatest."

"You miss me?" I questioned, smiling a bit as I blushed.

"Yes, I miss you," He replied in a 'duh' tone. 

I giggled. "I kinda miss you too. I got done talking to my dad so I wanted to wind down or something... I wish you came with me so I could have someone to cuddle with." I actually wanted some physical contact.

I could almost feel him smile, but then he said seriously, "How was it with your dad, by the way?"

"Drama. A lot of drama." I replied, approaching the elevator. I hit the arrow that pointed down.

 "Well, I think that was obvious." He chuckled.

"You want the details, right?" I guessed, sighing as I watched the numbers increase to level three. It dinged.

"Yes!" He said with a bit too much excitement.

I became silent for a while. Since when did I want to keep secrets from Sky? I figured out his YouTube stuff, so why couldn't I say anything personal about me?

"You still there?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm just..." I tried to come up with a word while I walked into the empty room that would take me to the first level of the hotel. "Contemplating."

"About telling me?" He laughed at the fact. "Why?"

"I don't know..." I answered, unable to come up with an answer. Ain't that the truth? "I just don't deal well with family, I guess. Especially now."

"Do you want to talk it out?" He asked.

"I can't talk if I don't know what I should talk about." I said in a rather depressing tone.

"How long has it been since you talked to your father, then?"

"A couple of hours, I guess." I said. I felt the elevator drop, making me a bit scared. I've always been afraid of elevator since I was a child. It scared me even more knowing that being thousands of miles in the sky was more safe than being in an elevator. The scenes in the movies where the elevator suddenly stops and they have to press the panic button made me even more paranoid. I gazed at this elevator's own help button. Would I have to use that?

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