feelings #6

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Nova's POV
I say good bye to Braden before leaving his house. I quietly step inside mine in case Sam is already asleep. But he's not. The kitchen light is on and i hear movement from the room.

"Hey Sammy" I say entering the kitchen.

"Hey, how's the project coming along?" He asks while putting a jar of mayonnaise into our fridge and then taking a bite from his sandwich he clearly just finished making.

"It's good" I say lying, in reality me and Braden barely have anything done at all. We ended up taking what was supposed to be a small break but turned into an hour or more.

"Good, you hungry? I made a sandwich for you just in case you were, it's in the fridge" he offers.

"Oh thanks, but I just ate at Braden's, sorry"

"No worries, you can always bring it to school for lunch tomorrow"

I nod in agreement.

I run upstairs and grab my art book, I grab a pencil and eraser as well. I decide against sitting alone in my room and bring my things downstairs to the dinner table which is in the kitchen.

Sam is still there, done half his sandwich by now.

I sit across the table from him and start sketching a wolf, wolves have honestly always been so fascinating to me. I'm sure why though. I just love them.

Once I'm done I head to bed not wanting to fall asleep during class tomorrow, all though I would be ok with it

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Once I'm done I head to bed not wanting to fall asleep during class tomorrow, all though I would be ok with it. Sam and Mr. Johnson definitely wouldn't be.

After I'm in my PJ's and I've brushed my teeth I lay in bed. As I begin to fall asleep I find myself thinking how it would feel to fall asleep in Braden's arm. I would feel safe and warm and-woah! I do not like Braden!
I wake up the next morning to a heavy weight on top of me.

"Nova wake up!" Sam yells.

"Get off me you fat ass!" I yell back.


"Sam!!!!!!!" I yell as loud as I could.

"Ok ok you Banshee I'm off of ya" he says climbing off me.

I get out of my comfortable bed and get dressed into ⬇⬇

I grab some toast and quickly eat it before brush my hair and teeth then rushing out the door

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I grab some toast and quickly eat it before brush my hair and teeth then rushing out the door.

To my luck I get to school right before the bell rings. I put the things I don't need into my locker then sit in my seat next to Jaden.

Mr. Johnson says we have the next few hours to work on our project. I turn my chair around to face Braden.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey" he says smiling.

He's wearing a big sweater and I can't help but wish I could wear it.

"It's cold in here" I point out, half telling the truth and half just making an excuse.

"Don't you have a sweater?" He asks.

I shake my head no.

"Do you want mine?" He asks. Suddenly I'm not so sure anymore. I can't like him. But whats wrong with me I wanted to wear it and now I don't know.

"Are you alright with that?" I ask.

"Of course" he says already taking off his sweater and handing it to me.

"Thank you"

He smiles as a response.

I put it on, its so big and warm and soft!! and it smells just like him!! Woah creepy...

Braden's POV

How is she cold? Its hot AF in here. What if she was just saying that to wear my sweater? Probably not. She look so cute it in. The sleeves are too long so she has them rolled up and- wait rewind! Did I just say she looked cute? What the heck...

We only jot down a few notes but we end up talking about random crap like what our favourite thing to do is or whatever.

The school day finally ends and me and Nova walk home together.

"Thanks for letting me use this" she says beginning to take off my sweater.

"Keep it" I blurt out.

"Like keep it for now, just bring it back tomorrow" I say. Why am I saying this?

she smiles and runs off to her house. I do the same.

Nova's POV

I walk inside to see my brother sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey little sis" he says.

"Hey big bro"

All I can think about is Braden. Should i talk to Sam about it?
No! That would be so awkward.
But he may know what to do..


"Yeah" he says looking away from the tv. "Who's sweater is that?" He asks quickly before I can say anything.

"Oh it's Braden's, I was cold during class and i didn't have a sweater so he lent me his" I explain telling half the truth.

"Your still wearing it..." he points out.

"I forgot to give it back, I'll give it to him tomorrow" I lie and he nods.

"anyways what did you want before?" He asks reminding me off the reason I started this conversation in the first place.

"Oh right! Its a little embarrassing so promise not to make fun of me and to take this 100% seriously?" I ask holding out my pinky.

"Promise" he says wrapping his larger pinky around my small one.

I take a deep breath before beginning "so I used to hate Braden and he used to hate me, even though he says he didn't, I know he did. Ever since the project began I can't stop thinking about him. Its freaking me out, I mean I cant like him!" I blurt out.

"What kind of things have you been thinking about him?" Sam asks making me blush slightly.

"Cuddling with him, how soft his hair must feel and how sparkly his eyes are" I say blushing even harder than before.

Sam laughs "Sam!" I gasp hitting his shoulder "no laughing!"

"I'm not! I swear!" he says holding his breath trying to prevent more laughs to escape and he sticks his hands in the air in defense.

I frown causing him to laugh again, but harder this time.

"You definitely like him!"

"What? What do I do??" I panic.

"Ask him out" sam suggests.

"Are you crazy!? What if he doesn't like me back?"

"He will" he assures me winking.

I groan in frustration and head to my room.

Braden's POV

I lay on my bed after an awkward conversation with my dad about Nova. He's convinced I like her. But I don't. Just because her hair is long and soft and her eyes shine so bright and her smile makes me want to explode doesn't mean- oh.my.god I like Nova.... Shiz!
word count:1133

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