Prologue: Meeting The Hustler

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The cool Idaho chill was creeping upon my body as I pulled my jacket tighter to my shivering form. Darkness had blanketed the sleeping city for a long ago, leaving me in only the comfort of bright lights and wandering homeless. I had been searching endlessly throughout these rain covered streets for hours, looking for none other than a hotel worth my money. I hadn't found any. Not even one of those cheap fifty dollar a night sleep-in's, I guess it just wasn't my night. But you couldn't blame a girl for trying.

I kept walking a long the roads of what seemed to be an empty town after dark, un-satisfyed with my only findings. A Hustler standing on a darkened street corner.

He wore a vintage James Dean style trench coat with a pair of worn blue jeans that looked as if they haven't been washed in a couple of weeks. His brown hair was left untambed and not at all dirty; it suited him, the entire style did. The messy dew went well with his eyes and compliemented his entire look. In my opion he could definatly pull of the whole Rebel Without A Cause thing he had going on,  it looked as if he didn't even have to try.

I could tell by the unexplainable look in his eyes that he wanted to be anywhere other than where he was standing. But faith hadn't been so kind to him and he was stuck with the everyday life he lived, as a male prostitue; a hustler who stood on the same street corner nightly.

Usually I would shrug off the prostitues as I passed through, bidding them goodluck as I went on my way. But this young man had an air to him that made me shiver to the core. He seemed different than the others as I stood from afar and looked at him. Not only his freak style was different, but the look in his eyes gave me shivers.

That certain look made my stomach churn. There was a back story hidden deep within him that not many could understand. He was different, his story was different; that alone told me he was yearning for something other than an extra condom in his pocket.

I was no mind reader, but the signs were clear to me that this hustler maybe wasn't so different than myself. We lived two completely different lives, and had two completely different personalities, but the simularites were striking. It was obvious that he held something that I yearned for; he was something special. He had something that you probley wouldn't be able to come across for another hundred years. Something that was only pressant once in a life time. Love.

It was the closest feeling I've ever gotten to love at first sight, so I simply went with my gut for the first time in awhile and took a step forward, gaining the courage to speak.

"Excuse me?" I asked politely, snapping the young man out of his deep thoughts. I could tell that he wasn't at all use to my being polite; as a hustler, I'd assume not many were very polite to him. But I didn't want him for a date, I just wanted to know him. He gave off something that intrigued me from the start; it was clearly unfamiliar, and I craved it.

His head turned towards me quickly, and I was met by these eyes.. Deep blue eyes that could make any woman fall to their knee's and surrender. I bet he gets a lot of business from the ladies, he is quite the looker as well.

"Uh, Yes?" He replied in a deep huskey voice, coughing awkwardly as he looked me over. I felt a light scarlet cross my cheeks as I looked to the ground than back to his eyes. I couldn't help but stare for awhile. Wow, he was amazing.

"Do you know where the nearest hotel is?" I asked quietly, biting my strawberry smeared lip nervously as I spoke. Our eyes stayed connected for some time before he could even open his mouth to speak. Maybe he was feeling the same emotion I was? I still couldn't properly explain what I was feeling but it was a little more than butterflies. It was terribly odd, and scared me; simply because I couldn't understand it.

His mouth was open and his tongue was just about to move towards a sentance filled with words as a car horn blared from across the street. I noticably jumped out of my skin, nearly falling into the brown-haired hustler before turning towards the yellow coloured car.

An old man sat inside, no doubt a pervert looking for some action. His hand was frantically waving the young man over towards him, a grin plastered on his lips. I almost felt myself puke as I watched the scene unwraveling before my very eyes.

The hustler would have to go with him? Give him a date? Sleep with him?

I couldn't picture even going close to the man, let alone letting him have his way with me. God only knows where that's been, and how many diseases he's picked up.. I felt bad for the hustler; I know, couldn't believe it either.

I looked back at the hustler who was swearing underneath his breath, giving me an apoligtic look before taking a step forward to his doom. I shook my head, unwilling to let him go as my hand shot out and grabbed his sleeve.

I held him back for a moment and reached inside of my pocket, grabbing the nearest bill I could find and waving it in the air. The old man caught it and frowned before hitting the gas pettle and roaring down the road once more. I smiled in trimph as I dropped the bill to my side and let a smile of trimph take over my lips.

"I usually don't get picked up by woman." He said with a smirk as my cheeks blazed. I looked at him and shook my head.

"No, I don't want to pick you up-No, I never ment it like that, you're hot and all, but, no.-It's just that-that guy.. He was a pervert and-" I stumbled over my words as the hustler began to chuckle, lifting the tension between us emidatly. Laughter escaped my lips as well as we stood there for a moment, just laughing like friends who've known each other for years and not two strangers who don't know eachothers names. 

I don't even know his name.. And I'm getting these odd feelings?

"Don't worry about it.. Thanks; you saved me from an old douche bag that would have made me suck his dick for five bucks." I smiled up at him and nodded; now I knew for sure that he was what I had assumed. A hustler; I am a very good judge of charcter, or I've just seen it all before.

I instantly remember the bill in my hand, shoving it next to his closed one.

"Yeah, well, I just cost you five bucks; so take this ten." He smiled at me warmly, raking a hand through his hair as he contemplated weather or not to take it. I guess he doesn't get this often.. People just offering him money out of the good of their hearts without wanting anything in return.

He suddenly shook his head and began folding the bill until his hand met mine, and it was crumbled inside of my palm again. Both of his hands were ontop of mine as he signalled to the diner next to us and muttered:

"How about we both spend it?"

That was the very first time I had held a conversation with a hustler, learning my very first life lesson. Maybe everyone wasn't so different from myself, maybe deep down we were all the same. We are all capable of love, and we are all capable of hate; but some judge from the section we are placed in, and we become hated instantly. I don't think like that anymore, and to be honest, I never really did. Deep down, we are all the same, nothing can change that, not even the life we live.

Forgetting about the hotel I had wanted to rent for the night, I followed the hustler inside of the tiny diner with a ten dollar bill and a smile.

I just know he's different, I just know it.

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