Chapter 1

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| a/n: Alright if your going to read this just know there is spelling mistakes and pov mishaps. you DONT have to comment about it. I wrote this story while I was in middle school.... I hate this story and idk why people read it. I would delete it but I'm sad to say it has my most reads. My least favorite story has my most reads. So don't comment about mistakes, or things that don't match up to you, I don't care. Got nothing nice to say, don't say it. Anyway enjoy I guess|

Your pov
         It's my first day at Ouran highschool and I'm kinda excited. Even though Mori doesn't talk much, when he does it's about this place.  I hate the dresses you have to wear so I didn't wear them. I would rather be caught dead than in one of those goofy yellow puff they call a dress.  Instead I wore (f/o) (fav outfit) and styled my (h/c) hair into a nice ponytail. I mentally checked to make sure I had everything. Headphones(a must), backpack, pencil, phone, and no confidence. Good ready to go.

~fantabulous time skip to school~

        Mori always leaves extra early to go to school for some reason. So we didn't take the same car, one of the staff drove to me school. I arrive at an amazing breathtaking palace like place. Mori was really under-exaggerating this place, I asked him a whole bunch of questions about this place (which he hates a lot of questions and usually just responds in grunts and nods) but he never told me it was this amazing.

After getting a map and countless miss turns I get to my classroom. It was classroom 1-A, by the time I got there most everyone was already seated. I naturally took a seat in the back.

"Aw she took my seat." I heard a voice say behind me

"Let's just sit beside her and mess with her" another voice slightly different

"Good idea"

Two boys, wait twins, sit down on both sides of me. Both had auburn red hair and auburn eyes, kinda hot "you know I can just move, right?" I tell the twins

"Naw it'll be more fun this way," the one on the right let out a devilish grin

"Well have it your way, just know I offered" I said facing the front waiting for the bell to ring and class to start

"Why aren't you wearing a dress, can you not afford one?" The twin on the left asks out of no where, both twins lean in closer

"Not that it's any of your business but I just don't like them" I reply sharply

"Hhhmm interesting" the one on the rights says while both slowly turn back to the front of the class

~le time skip to lunch~

Kaoru pov

     That girl in class was weird, wait not weird different. I look at Kaoru, "She was different."

"Yea, I wonder if she'll go for us?"

"Or which one she'll pick." I reply

"I have a new game." Hikaru says," whoever gets her wins."

"You're on."

Hikaru x kaoru x readerWhere stories live. Discover now