Maybe we are too close

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Your pov

   Nothing special happened in class today, I got in trouble as usually for talking with the twins. I'm positive they know everything about me and I know almost everything about them. Talking to them seem so natural and so ... Warm?.. Is that what I would call it?
     Class just ended and I went up to the twins and we all walked to the host club together, it's become a regular thing now. Although I just go to the host club to hang out with the twins and see Mori more.
     Hikaru and Kaoru didn't have a client at the moment so I walked up to the and took a seat.

"Wow just look at this handsome twincest!" I say sarcastically

"Hey the costumers seem to like it," Hikaru said getting close to me

"I still don't see why?" I say smile at them

"Hey (y/n), Hikaru, Kaoru, I need to talk to you." Kyoya says walking up to us

"Sure thing," the twins say in unison

We walk over to the piano in the corner of the room to talk.

"I am concerned for the host club," kyoya states while pushing up his glasses,"You guys hanging out so much are damaging profits. Are costumers are seeing you guys getting closer and don't want to go to brother if they like a someone else."

"What does that mean?" Hikaru, Kaoru, and I all say at the same time in unison. We are all shocked that we said the same thing

"My point exactly. I will still allow you to hang out as long it is not in this school or where girls from this school can see you." Kyoya says emotionless as usual

"wait really?" I say with sadness in my eyes. I feel like I'm on the brink of tears. These boys are my best friends and kyoya wants me to just stop hanging out with them for profits?

"Hey we have an idea," Hikaru starts ,"Come over to our house after school and on the weekends." Kaoru finishes

"That's actually not a bad idea, I'm usually just home watching tv anyway." I say holding in the tears, I still haven't even been to there house yet.

"Great it's a deal than, after school your comming home with us ." They say in unison as they walk away with there devilish grin on there faces

All I can do is smile and sit down at a table and eat some cake waiting for the club to end. I really can't wait to see what their  house is like. I watch and take in everything that is happening. Haruhi and Tamaki are talking like usually, I'm almost positive that they like each other but don't know it yet. Maybe I should help them out with that one day, maybe a new game I can play with the twins. Hikaru and Kaoru are doing there brotherly love thing and two girls are just screaming. Honey is eating cake like usually and Mori is just watching him. Mori is a good brother but he loves honey more than me I think.

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