When the sinner tricks the devils

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~lunch time~

Your pov

I decided to play a prank on the school pranksters. In the one day I've been here I've already heard so many things about the mischievous twins. I saw them sitting at a table at lunch and decided to get them a coffee. Little do they know I'm going to put super glue on the cup.

"Hey, sorry I think we got off to a bad start," I hold out a cup to the twins," I brought a new beginning gift."

"Um thanks." A twin blushes and takes the cup and takes a drinks and tries to hand it to the other twin but both of there hands get stuck on the cup.

"Hahahahahahah I only meant to get one of you but this is just perfect." I laugh to the point of crying and almost fall on the floor

"Wait what!" They both just look completely astonished and don't know what to do, they look really cute

"Anyway I'm (y/n)," I stick out my hand to shake and remember there hands stuck and just laugh again

"I-Im Hikaru," the one on the right says
"And I'm Kaoru." The left twins says

"Hey class is going to start soon want me to help you with the cup problem" I say breaking the silence

"No it's fine, but we'll see you in class." The twins say In unison

"Alright see you later." I wave and start to walk back to class. I get getters when I'm near them, and that's better than remembering what happened to me. But before I can think about a boyfriend I need to make friends. Still if I could somehow get them to like me which would I pick. Still that's only an if......

~in boys bathroom~

Hikaru pov
      No one has ever tricked us or even tried. Still she hasn't been able to tell us apart yet. We did only met today though. She's promising, I really hope she chooses me.

"Hey Hikaru." Kaoru says taking a break from peeling his hand off the cup

"Yea" I reply

"What was that" Kaoru asks referring to (y/n) and the prank

"Maybe she was flirting" I reply with hope in my voice

"I don't know girls are weird"

~time skip to class~

  your pov

    Class has be normal so far except Hikaru and Kaoru showed up late and got yelled at by the teacher and I felt bad.  The bells going to ring any second *bell rings* I should offer to buy them something, for being the cause of them being yelled at. I walk to Hikaru and Kaoru

"Hey I feel bad about what happen, how about I buy you guys something." I offer friendly

They look at each other and a devilish grin spreads across their faces.

"We have a better form of payment," They say simultaneously getting really close to me, "Come to host club with us."
"Oh I've heard about that, idk it doesn't really seam like me. Having guys giving me fake complement to make me feel good, I'd rather not" I reply

"Then go for us." Hikaru says making a puppy dog face

I slightly blush, "how can I say no to that face, lead the way guys."

Hikaru x kaoru x readerWhere stories live. Discover now