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Seungcheol and Jihoon are both walking back from an afternoon of classes. Jihoon feels like his head is about to implode with all those calculus equations he's trying to understand and Seungcheol's head just hurts because it does. They both head into the apartment complex they both share and enter the elevator. Normally they would be talking about everything and nothing, but today they just wanted to go to their apartment and have a good night's sleep. They have already become comfortable with the silence that has engulfed the elevator, since it's just the two of them.

Seungcheol yawns as he presses the eighth button that would take them to their floor and Jihoon can't help but yawn as well, they really are contagious.

"I feel like my heads about to explode," Jihoon says as he rubs his eyes with his hands. He can't go to sleep just yet because he still has to finish his lit paper before he turns it in, in the morning.

"Yeah, me too. I just want to sleep," replies Seungcheol as he slumps against the elevator and drops his backpack on the ground. The elevator makes a loud screeching noise before it starts going up. Normally the screech would scare the both of them, but this building is old and pretty crappy, so many things don't function as they are supposed to. Take for example, the elevator which takes a long time just to get to the damn eighth floor.

Jihoon slumps against the elevator as he waits for the elevator to stop. He turns to look at Seungcheol who's on his phone. They've been friends for the longest and Jihoon can't help but feel like confessing his love for the other male, but he feels like he'll be rejected so he says nothing. It's been like this for years, Jihoon's reluctance. Usually he's confident about everything he does, but confessing to Seungcheol is something he just can't bring himself to do.

Seungcheol puts his phone away as Jihoon directs his attention away from him. He doesn't want to be caught staring.

"This is taking longer than usual," says Seungcheol and Jihoon looks at the screen above the elevator which indicates that they are barley on the second floor.

"It must be-" but he's cut off by a loud screech and the elevator comes to a full halt.

"Holy shit," curses Seungcheol as he looks around.

"I think the elevator's broken," says Seungcheol

"Yeah, no shit," replies Jihoon as he rolls his eyes.

"What are we going to do?" asks Seungcheol in a worried manner, which makes Jihoon's demeanor soften.

Jihoon searches for the emergency button and once he sees it, he presses it and expects the elevator to spring back to life, but it only makes a pathetic sound and there's small movement before it goes back to being a pathetic unmoving elevator.

Seungcheol gasps as he begins to speak. "Oh my god, this is it. We're going to die and-"but Jihoon puts his hand over his mouth as he hears a faint voice over the telecom.

"Hello?" calls the custodian.

"Uh we're trapped here" replies Jihoon.

"Yeah, we're trapped in here," Seungcheol says loudly as Jihoon once again slaps his other hand over his mouth.

"Okay, I'll be there shortly," replies the custodian as the elevator goes back to being quiet.

"See," says Jihoon.

"There's nothing to worry about. He'll be here anytime," he finishes as he can feel Seungcheol's breath against his hand and he quickly moves away from him.

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