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Riley's POV
Junior year is almost over; just one more week. I can't wait to spend the summer with my boyfriend, Lucas. My best friend, Maya. And my other two friends, Farkle and Zay.

As I'm walking back home from the train station, I see Maya and Lucas together. Maya told me she was spending time with her mother and Shawn, and Lucas told me he was helping his mom out with something. What are they doing together?

I see them laugh and hold hands, and I can feel my heartbreak, but I become more broken when I see them kiss. I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. After a second, I let them all fall down my face.

I see Maya notice me and Lucas turns around and sees me too. I run away from them, not wanting to look at him or Maya. How could they do this to me? Why would they hurt me like this?! I hear Maya call for me along with Lucas, but I ignore them and go home.

After a few minutes of walking in slow and painful silence, I finally make it home. When I walk in I see mom, dad, and Auggie at the table getting ready to eat. I- out of nowhere- start jumping to conclusions and yell "DID YOU ALL KNOW?!" They turn towards me in confusion and I say calmly "Sorry, I just saw Maya and Lucas together. I think they've been seeing each other behind my back."

They each share a look and I know what that means. They did know. I cry more and say "I can't believe you all knew and didn't tell me! Did Farkle know?! Zay?! Smackle?! Did they all know?!" They stay quiet and I know full on well that means yes.

I state "Well, you know what? I want nothing to do with them anymore. I'm done and as for you, I don't even want to look at you." They look at me sadly, and I just run to my room and slam the door shut. I run to my bed and I cry on it.

Two hours later, I hear chatter coming from the living room and I hear my mom say "She's in her room." I ignore it and I stay on my bed not facing the door. I hear it open and I hear Maya's voice "Riles?" I ignore her and she continues "It's me, Lucas, Farkle, Smackle, and Zay," I still stay quiet.

Farkle speaks up softly "Riley, please say something to us. We're sorry it had to be this way." Lucas speaks, calmly "Riley, I swear we were going to tell you soon. We were just afraid of hurting you." I stand up from my bed at lightning speed and glare at them.

I see their eyes widen and they're gaping at me, startled and shocked by how I got up. I ask in anger "You didn't want to hurt me? Common sense would have told you, you were only hurting me by GOING BEHIND MY BACK!" I see they all flinch at how I yelled. Good!

I continue, calmly "How long?!" Their mouths open and close, afraid to say the answer. Now, I'm boiling with anger. I yell "HOW LONG!?" Now they all jump and are shocked by how I'm acting. I never yell, but I am now. No more little miss sunshine and goody-two-shoes. All being that person does is get me hurt.

Lucas says stuttering "S-six months." I widen my eyes and gape at them, shocked and hurt. I take a step back from them, unable to believe this. Six months ago at the New Year's Eve party? Because I noticed ever since then they've been closer, but I ignored it because I trusted them.

I clearly shouldn't have. Plus, I didn't see them during the countdown. I ask "At the New Year's Eve party?" They share a look and nod their heads. I clench my jaw and press my lips together in anger. I turn away from them and look down at the floor to calm myself down. I inhale and exhale deeply. After a few seconds, I look up and spat angrily "Get out!"

I don't have to turn around to know they are shocked by this. Zay says "Riley-" I interrupt him, as I face them all "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT, ZAY! YOU ARE ALL LIARS! YOU WERE AFRAID TO HURT ME? PLEASE! KEEPING THIS FROM ME, YOU HAVE STABBED ME IN THE BACK! YOU DIDN'T ONLY HURT ME-" I stop and calm myself down and they look at me in shock.

I continue more calmly "You've lost me. I want nothing to do with you! You lied to me for a long time and went behind my back. If you would have just told me the truth, yes, I would have been hurt, but I would have understood. You were my best friend, Maya. Did you really think I would hate you? Do you not know me at all? I guess you've never known me. I would have been there for you both! But you chose this path and this path is a road I will not go down with any of you. You have lost me for good! No more coming through the bay window! Don't even come through the front door!"

Maya tries "Riley-" I cut her off "And worst of all, you had my parents and my little brother know. You had them keep it from me, but you know what? That's their fault. They listened. I want all of you out of my life for good. I'm done. It's over!" They gape at me in shock and sadness. Oh, whatever.

I snap "Get out!" And Lucas tries "Riley-" I yell at them "GET OUT! And Don't! Come! Back! I may not have a choice but to see you at school, but I won't talk to you or say a word to you. Goodbye!" I see they look shocked and hurt, but they get it and leave.

Lucas stops and turns around to me and says one last time "I'm sorry." I speed walk towards the door and slam the door in his face angrily. No more little Miss Sunshine, I'm not that girl anymore.

I need to be stronger, bolder, and tougher. That girl is gone. Oh, who am I kidding? She's not gone. That side will always be a part of me. It's who I am. However, there will be more of this tough and independent Riley.

My parents and Auggie walk in, but I ignore them. Dad says "Riley? Honey, I know you're mad at us for not telling you sooner, but it was their place to tell you. We're sorry." I reply "Please, just get out! I don't want to look at any of you right now!"

Mom responds, calmly "Sweetie please, you're not yourself right now. You're just a little emotional, right now." I look at her and narrow my eyes at her in confusion. She and my dad share a look. I know they mean something behind that, but I'm too angry and hurt to care.

I repeat once more "Please, just leave my room." They look at me sadly but then leave. I go over to the bay window and I look out of it. I've never felt this kind of anger before. It's like it's heightened, but what would you expect when you find out your best friend and boyfriend have been together behind your back and everyone except you knew?

But I can't help but feel like there's more to it. I look up at the sky and I look at the full moon. I've always felt drawn to the full moon. I never understood why.

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