Chapter 13: I Know

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Klaus and Kol are staring at Jacque's burning corpse in sadness and anger. Gabby comforts Kol while Riley comforts Klaus. The two female wolves are glaring at Tyler-- who is here gloating.

Bonnie spelled Klaus and Kol to be trapped in the Gilbert living room for three days. Caroline comes in and says to Tyler "There you are." Klaus says "Hello, Caroline." Caroline looks towards him.

Riley feels a little jealousy but won't show it. Riley sucks it up and hides how she feels as she knows that he has had feelings for Caroline long before she and him met. Caroline decides to ignore him and looks towards Tyler. She says "Come home! Don't stoop to his level."

Tyler responds "He destroyed my life. I plan to be here and enjoy every single minute of his misery till I can kill him myself." Gabby and Riley scoff while Caroline replies "Well, you can gloat and multi-task at the same time. This place is a mess and needs to be cleaned up. Starting with the burning corpse."

Caroline grabs a blanket and is about to put it on the corpse along with Tyler, but Gabby shows her hybrid face and growls "Get away from him!" Her eyes start glowing and they back away.

Gabby snatches the cover and she covers him up with it. She starts crying more and Riley comes over to her to comfort her and hold her. They walk back into the living room.

Klaus states "Your mother is dead, and now my brother is dead. We're even... Call Bonnie. Get me and Kol out of here." Caroline spats "I will never, ever, help you." Klaus says "How quickly you all forget the good I've done. When I saved Tyler from having to turn every full moon and when the Sheriff invited me into her home and asked me to save her precious daughter."

Tyler and Caroline roll their eyes at him, and Caroline asks even angrier "Are you serious? How delusional are you? You killed his mother." Gabby snaps while going after Caroline and Tyler "And you just killed his brother for God's sake!" Klaus stops Gabby from attacking at them.

Caroline states "Well, let's not also forget we're in the house where Elena's Aunt Jenna used to live. Or did you really think your charms would make us forget how you killed her too? You know what? I'm not going to engage in this... you're not even worth the calories I burn talking to you." Klaus was feeling hurt and angry while Gabby, Riley, and Kol were just angry by her rant.

Riley walks out of the living room and towards Caroline. She spats "You think you know him? Well, you don't! None of you do! Because you guys are so busy judging him by his past that you never even bothered to get to know him. Now, I understand he's done wrong to all of you and that's why you're too blind to try and understand his point of view. But that's the point, you don't understand what he's gone through and what's happened to him. None of you understand him because of Elena. You think that Elena's little life is more important than everything else. Your little hunter just killed an entire blood line of vampires so Elena can be human again. You guy's whole world revolves around her. Nothing else matters and that's quite pathetic and sick."

Caroline, Tyler, Klaus, and Kol are shocked by what she said, while Gabby is smiling at her. Caroline ignores his her comments about Elena and what Jeremy did as she scoffs "And do you know him?" Riley shakes her head noticing how Caroline ignored what she said. She walks behind Caroline and says while turning towards her "I Know enough to understand him. Which is the least I can say about any of you."

Caroline scoffs again and turns towards her. Caroline says with attitude "Whatever wolf girl. Mind your own business." Gabby and Klaus glare at Caroline, not liking her attitude towards Riley.

Riley states "My friends are my business!" And Caroline asks "Oh and Klaus is your friend?" Riley answers without hesitation "Yes!" Everyone looks at her in shock. Klaus has never heard her admit it out loud.

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