Chapter 4: Mystic Falls, Here We Come

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~Five Months Later~

Riley's POV
It's been five months and I haven't heard from my mom, dad, uncle Eric, or grandparents. Every time I would call them just to check on them, they would send it straight to voicemail.

I stopped trying two months ago. I'm done. This is how they want to be? Fine! I'm so done. But for the past four months, Hayley and I have been trying to find our pack. Our werewolf clan. So far, nothing yet, but we're not giving up. They're out there somewhere.

I'm in the kitchen eating a bagel I toasted, with homemade strawberry cream cheese. Hayley should be on her way home, so I made her a bagel too with her favorite, peach cream cheese.

I take another bite of my bagel and chew it. Then I hear the front door open and Hayley runs in looking excited and happy. I smile at how happy she is, but Why is she so happy? I swallow my food and ask "Hayley, why are you so happy?" I put my bagel down to listen to her.

She asks while sitting down across from me "Remember that time we left for a month because I was helping out a pack in the Appalachians because they were sired to an immortal-hybrid-werewolf-vamp-repulsive-jerk name, Klaus Mikaelson?" I do remember this. That trip was interesting.

I answer "Yes. What about it?" And she answers in excitement "Well, the thing is, I just talked to a professor who lives near a town called Mystic Falls. His name is Professor Atticus Shane and he said he can help us find our pack. Our family!"

I widen my eyes and say in shock and excitement "Shut up! Really?" And she states "Really! He says he can help me find my real parents which will lead us to our pack. You and I got the same mark. So, therefore, whatever pack I'm in, you belong in too."

I smile, but then quickly frown and ask "Wait, what does this have to do with the hybrids you helped free from Klaus in the Appalachians?" She frowns too and explains "Professor Shane's price is very high. He said that in order for him to give me info on my birth parents, I have to de-sire twelve of Klaus' hybrids and tell Klaus."

I widen my eyes in shock and say "But Hayley if you do that Klaus will kill them all!" And she says "That's the point. That's what he wants." I ask, appalled "Wait what? Why would he want that?" Hayley answers "I don't know. Apparently, he's trying to awaken some ancient immortal guy named, Silas. In order to find him, he needs a massacre. A sacrifice, which includes twelve hybrids." I frown and say in a painful whisper "But Hayley, we can't do that to them."

Hayley frowns in guilt and says, empathetic, yet determined "I hate it as much as you do, but it has to happen. It's the only way to find our people. Our family. Yes, me and you are enough, but aren't you at least curious to know more about where you come from? Where we come from? I know I am. But, if you don't agree with it, we can find another way. Try to at least."

I sigh and say, reluctant "No. We'll do it, but it doesn't mean we have to like it." Hayley nods her head and states "I know." I ask "So, what do we have to do?"

Hayley answers "Well, we go to Mystic Falls. One of the hybrids I helped de-sire lives there, and I don't want him apart of the sacrifice. So, I need to help de-sire the last two that's left."

I ask "What's his name?" Hayley smiles to herself and answers in a daydream "Tyler Lockwood." I smirk and state "Oh, I see! You like him!" Hayley frowns and says, sadly "Yeah, but he has a girlfriend. Caroline!" I say, frowning "Oh. I'm sorry, Hayley." Hayley states "Don't be. We should get packing."

I ask "When do we leave? How are we going to afford to get there?" And Hayley answers "Shane is paying for everything, including the private jet." I widen my eyes and ask in shock "A private jet?" She nods her head and smiles. I smile widely then say, excited "Okay, I'm so in. How long are we staying there?"

Hayley answers "About a few weeks, maybe. We'll see. I was thinking we can travel a little. Move away from here." I say "Sounds good to me!" We smile at one another then I frown thinking about something.

I ask "Will Chris, Nate, and Dean be there?" I know Chris, Nate, and Dean. They're good guys. Hybrids of Klaus. Chris was sired, but Hayley helped de-sire him from Klaus. Dean and Nate, however, are still sired sadly, but we'll help them too.

Hayley answers "I think so." I ask "We won't use them, will we?" She shakes her head and answers "No! Absolutely not. Tyler, Dean, Nate, and Chris, will not be involved in the sacrifice! I made that clear to Shane."

I state "Good!" And Hayley says "Let's go pack. We leave next week at like 8 am." I say "Cool, but let's finish eating first. I made your favorite cream cheese. The peach kind."

She says "Yum!" She takes a bite and moans at how delicious it is. While we're eating, we're talking more about what we're going to do when we get to Mystic Falls.

When we're done, I say "Okay, now let's go pack !" We both get up from the table and head upstairs to pack. Hayley says "Cool. Mystic Falls, Here We Come."

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