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It' s been a month since the first day Maria walked into her first period algebra 2 class. She now realized that maybe it was't waking up late that caused her outfit and hair to look that way it did. She noticed how her outfits and hair haven't changed since the first day of school. Kyle even laughed at the fact that she blamed it on her alarm clock. She thought that was cute. Since the conversation Kyle and Maria had by the lockers, they've been inseparable, but not romantically. Since Kyle was an athlete, he made sure he brought enough fruit for him and Maria to eat since he notices she's hungry more than she does. 

One day Kyle heard her stomach growling and he looked over at her and handed her an apple. 

She looked over at him, laughed and said, "no thanks." 

He replied with, " Dude, it's been a week and I haven't gone one day without hearing that skinny little sad starving stomach of yours not growl." 

Maria realized he was right, it was a daily routine. She didn't have dinner last night because she had soccer practice from 5 pm to 9 pm and ate a banana before soccer practice this morning at around 6:30 am and got home around 7:30 am just in time to take a shower and get to school. So she accepted Kyle's offer.  A couple of minutes after that Kyle pulled out some trail mix from his soccer bag.  

Maria noticed that he only ate the peanuts and the M&M's. "If you only wanted the M&M's and the peanuts, you do know that they make peanut M&M's right?" 

He slowly looked over to her and she said, "just giving you a heads up," with a small laugh.

 "That's funny though, I only eat the raisins and peanuts." said Maria.

"They don't make peanut raisins, sucks for you." Kyle joked.

"You're so weird." They both said at the same time and looked at each other and smiled.

"Would you like some trail mix?" asked Maria to Rebecca.

"No, thanks fam." said Rebecca.

Class ended and Maria walked past a poster that said, "Soccer tryouts next Thursday , Location: Soccer field @ 5:00pm." Kyle distracted Maria from reading the poster, then asked if she wanted to accompany him to one of his friend's parties on Friday. "Sure, what time" said Maria.

"I'll just text it to you, yeah?" Asked Kyle.

"Alright, did you want my number though?" Said Maria.

Kyle laughed and says, "I think that's how texting works." 

With her big smile that Kyle adores, she says "Do you want my number or not?"

"Yes" says Kyle.  

Maria writes it on a paper and gives it to Kyle. It's Thursday and Maria gets off of school at 2. Her dad said she had to walk home because he gets off of work at 3:30 and she has soccer practice. While Maria was walking home, Rebecca passes by in the car with her mom. Rebecca calls out Maria's name and Maria looks and waves to her. Rebecca's mom pulls over by Maria and asks her if she would like a ride home. Maria is grateful that Rebecca's mom offered because it was really hot and Maria lived pretty far. So Maria gets in and Rebecca is bumping, legit jamming to some Fetty. Maria's jaw dropped and didn't realize how hype the car ride was gonna be. Maria got home and thanked Mrs. Woods for the ride and said, "see you tomorrow Fetty" to rebecca with a wink and they both laughed. 

The next day arrived and Kyle and Rebecca were in their seats when Maria walked in. They were talking about the football game this Friday at their school.

 "Hey Maria, are you gonna go to the game this Friday?" asked Kyle. 

"Are you going Fetty?" said Maria to Rebecca.

"Haha, I was thinking about it, yeah." replied Rebecca.

"Sure, what the heck. Does anyone play that we know?" asked Maria.

Kyle said, "Yours truly." 

"Really, you play football??" said Maria.

"Mhm, I'm a wide receiver, first string, (he said proudly, looking over at Maria) can you please come? For me." 

Maria said, "What about the party?" 

Kyle replied, "How about we go to the game, then we go to the party together right after." 

"I'll have to ask my dad, but that should be alright." said Maria.

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