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It was close to 4 in the morning and Maria's dad was still in a coma. Kyle texted his mom around 1 to let her know what happened and why he wouldn't be home that night. Maria fell asleep on the couch in her dad's hospital room and Kyle slept on the floor with blankets. After Kyle told his mom about where he was and why, his mom came through with some food and blankets. Maria told Kyle he could leave and get some rest at home, but he didn't want to leave her alone in this situation. Kyle's mom went home and it was about 8am when Maria woke up from her nap. Rebecca texted Kyle at around 2 am, so she knows what's going on too and she promised to be there in the morning when she could. Maria was the only one up at 8 am so she talked to her dad for a while. 

"Can you hear me? I know you probably can't but I have a soccer game today. I don't think I'm going though. I don't want to leave you. I know you wouldn't leave me, but I know you'd want me to go. School soccer tryouts are Thursday. I know you would want me to try out. I'm gonna make the team dad. When I do, I'll tell you all about how it went. I've been praying for you dad. I know God hears me. I also know all prayers don't get answered right away so I will wait. It was pretty hot today. High 70's low 80's. You love this weather, I hate this weather." She said with a smile. 

Kyle woke to the sound of her voice. He didn't want to ruin anything so he stayed quiet. She grabbed her dad's hand and kissed it, then hummed a song. It was the song that he sang to her when she was little. Kyle recognized the song and began to throw some of the words in there with her. They looked at each other and smiled. Kyle mostly smiling at how her messy bun looked after she woke up, and the way he could tell she was so weary in her voice but still managed to sound pretty. 

"Good morning." said Kyle.

"Good morning." said Maria.

Not long after, Maria's stepmom walked in the room and told her to go home and get cleaned up so she did. Kyle went home too. As the weekend went by, Kyle visited the hospital to see Maria and her dad and they would sing to him and each time they sang, it would get less weird (lol),  Kyle realized how much happier Maria's voice would become, after each time.

Thursday came around and it was the day of soccer tryouts. Every day leading up to today, Kyle took Maria out to the field, to help get her mind right and off of all that's happened. It's been six days and Maria's dad is still in a coma, Maria still sings to him. Rebecca visits the hospital too. Kyle and Rebecca take Maria out to the movies and dinner most nights, so she won't feel alone and depressed.

 Maria loved going out with them and she knew what they were doing. She was grateful for them and didn't know how else she could've got through this without them. Five o' clock came around and tryouts began. Maria knew she would do good but she didn't know how good the other girls were. Tryouts were over and the coach was calling out the first stringers. Maria thought she did pretty good, but she thought the other girls were good too. When she didn't hear her name she got worried but last but not least, she heard her name. Kyle had football practice at 5:30, thirty minutes after Maria's tryouts. Kyle wasn't done with practice but since maria was, she was so exited to tell him. Kyle was getting some water at his bag and Maria spotted him and raced over to him and jumped into his arms and said,

 "Guess who made first frikin string!!" 

"Hmm, that's a tough one." said Kyle, with a big grin. "Who else but you!! I'm so proud of you M. I knew you could do it!" 

"Thanks to you!" said Maria. 

Kyle and Maria locked eyes and Kyle leaned in for a kiss. Right when they were about to lock lips,

 "Matthews, get back in position!" yelled coach Gomez, the school's football coach.

"Ohh myyy godddd coaach, one more minute." Kyle yelled back to him.

"Now Matthews, or one more mile." Replied coach.

Maria laughed and said, "to be continued, now get back in position Matthews." 

"Yeah, yeah." Said Kyle as he winked to Maria and ran back onto the field.

Maria went to the hospital right after school to see her dad. 

"Dad guess what! I made varsity! I hope your proud of me. I couldn't have done it without Kyle's help. He took me to the fields everyday leading up to tryouts. He's really great, you'd like him, I like him. Did you hear that?" Maria said clinching her teeth as if her dad would say something about how boys are animals back to her like he always does. 

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