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It was Friday and Maria asked her dad about the game and the party. "Hey dad, can I go to the football game with my friend Rebecca on tonight?" 

"Sure, but don't come home too late, you have soccer in the morning."  Said Maria's dad. 

"Ok, but after the game, my friend Kyle wanted to know if I can go to a party with him." 

"Who is he?" asked her dad. 

"He plays for the football team and he sits by me in algebra 2." Said Maria. 

Her dad replied, "Ok, but if he tries to kiss you, sock him in the throat." he said, then winked at her.  "But be careful and text me when you get to the party." 

"Frikin dad." Then they both laughed. "I got you, I got you and yeah I'll text you." said Maria.

"I love you mija, have fun. I'm gonna go run some erans in a bit too." 

"Okay, love you too dad."

Maria's dad was more cautious about her going out than he actually showed Maria. Maria has a step brother, Ethan. He's 4 years old and a she has a new stepmom. Both of them are great with her and Maria likes having them around. Maria and her dad have been through a lot especially after Maria's mom died a couple years ago. Maria and her dad are all they got. So when her dad let her go, he felt worried, but he knows that it's been hard on Maria. She had to adjust to a new mother figure, a little brother and switching schools her sophomore year leaving her friends and the varsity soccer team at her school. Her dad knew she could get a spot on her new school's team though. Her dad loves watching her play. Through all that was going on, the one thing she didn't have to leave was her club soccer team. She would't leave it even if he said she had too. Maria and her dad talk a lot about college and getting scouted. Coaches have came to watch her play and they've liked her, so now they follow her and keep up with how she's doing, so she knows she can't slip up now. Her dad knows she misses her friends, but also knows she'll be okay without them. He knows his daughter more than she knows herself. Maria was so selfless and it showed on the field. All her traits were shown out there. She was humble, she got back up when they knocked her down, she would give up the last goal to her teammate because she knows that maybe they wouldn't do the same for her, but she would do that for herself and that's what made it okay. Maria knows what it takes to get to where she wants to be. She spends more time on a soccer field than at school and at home. 

Her dad drops her off at the football game and Maria meets up with Kyle before the game. She wishes him good luck and finds Rebecca in the bleachers. The game begins and Maria notices Rebecca eyeing one of the boys on the football team. His name is Josh. He's in Maria's chemistry class. He's pretty lay back in class. He's smart too, like Rebecca.

 Maria gives Rebecca a little nudge and said "cute" with a wink. 

Rebecca responded with, "what?" and grinned. 

Then Rebecca says, "quit acting like you and Kyle ain't got a thing." 

Maria says, "A thing that only exists in my head." 

"Shut-up, it's obvious he likes you too." Says Rebecca.

"Really, you think so?" asks Maria engagingly 

"Dude, I know so." replies Rebecca.

Maria takes a look at Kyle on the field and smiles. 

The game ends and Kyle meets Maria at the bleachers where her and Rebecca are sitting and throws his arm around her and he asks her if she's ready to go. 

Maria didn't know what to do, she didn't know if it was okay to like the way it felt. What if it was just a friend thing? Was she making this a bigger deal than it was? 

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