Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Stiles POV:

We arrived at Nikki's house. I walked her up to her front door. She put her hand on the knob but then turned around. I could tell she was shaking a little.

"Nikki? You ok?"



"I don't wanna be home alone."

"Isn't your dad home?"

"He isn't coming home tonight."

"Same with my dad."

"Do you wanna maybe...sleepover?" She asked with fear in her eyes. I could tell she was scared to sleep alone tonight.

"Would that make you feel safer?"

"A lot."

"Ok, I'll stay but lemme go home first and grab and few things for the night."

"Can I come?"

"Nik? Are you really that scared?"

"Yeah, I know. I'm a little baby."

"No not at all. It's just, you're a really brave person and that's what surprises me."

"I just...It's just when I got raped, I was left home alone and my ex raped me and left me bleeding like Lydia and that's why I'm a little nerve wrecked tonight."

"Nikki, it's ok. Whoever he was he's gone now and I'm here...and I will never force you to do anything you're not ready to do." I said pulling her into a hug while I heard her gently whimpering.

After about a minute she let go of the hug and ran into the car. I followed. Once I got to my house a few blocks down the road we went inside and I could still see her tearing up a little bit.


"Stiles I'm fine." She said gently.

I smiled at her softly not expecting that anything would happen after that but about 5 seconds later she ran into my arms like she hasn't seen me in 20 years. We stood there for 10 minutes as she cried and screamed. I gently kissed her head countless times as I was even tearing up a little. I needed to be strong for her though. She stopped crying after a little bit and looked up at me with some mascara running down her face. I chuckled at the sight but she was still beautiful anyways. Her lips slowly coming towards mine as mine did to hers. Soon enough our lips connected again. It was a short but sweet second kiss. I smiled at her afterwards.

"I need to go get my things if I'm sleeping over."

"Oh, right. Sorry." She said as I ran upstairs to grab my things. Once I got everything I went back downstairs.

"All ready?"


"Ok then let's go." She said and soon enough we were back at her house.

"Well, I'm exhausted. Lets go to bed."

"Sure, where should I sleep?"

"Can you sleep with me?" She said as my mouth dropped open.

"I mean only if you want to..."

"Of course I want to. I was...I was just surprised." I said as she gave me a hug.

We went upstairs and I got ready. She got ready a little earlier while I was watching TV. Once I was done I came into her room seeing she was reading her book. I leaned on the doorway admiring her beauty. She was so beautiful.

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