Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Stiles POV:

"The hell are you doing here?" I screamed at him.

"For Nikki."

"She doesn't want you ok! You know what, I thought we were best friends! I thought, after all this time I've been so freakin' desperate to get a girlfriend that I go for the first one that asks me out on a random morning, that you would actually be supportive of me!" I yelled so loud the rest of the country could hear it.

That's when I heard a sweet softly cracking voice call my name.



"Is that how you really feel about me?" She asked tears dripping down her face.

"No-no. Nik I don't. I was just mad and.."

"Just save it!" She cut me off and ran out.

Nikki's POV:

How could he possibly say something so horrible? I was just going to the make store sale and I come back to see my boyfriend screaming about him only dating me because he's desperate. Well,...ex-boyfriend. I felt an arm touch me expecting it to be Stiles.

"Stiles, get off!" I yelled then I realized it was Scott.

"You ok?" He asked so gently.

I just stood there. Fire tears still burning down my face. Suddenly, he brought me into a hug,...and I let him.

"It's gunna be okay." He whispered as he tried to calm me down.

I knew he was a freak and a jerk but for some reason I just let him hug me. We stood there for another minute while he let me cry into his shoulder.

*Back at Apartment*

Stiles POV:

How could I have been so stupid? I was mad! At Scott! I didn't really mean those things I said. I love her...a lot...more than anyone else. I probably screwed it up now! I'm an asshole! After thinking to myself for a few more minutes, I went out looking for her. I searched every possible corner of New York. I looked for another 2 hours. Most of the stores were already closing. I didn't know where she was. I didn't know if she was okay. I went back to the hotel room and waited.

*Back at Scott's*

Nikki's POV:

"'s my hotel room."

"Thanks. You really gunna let me stay here tonight?"


" I don't know why I'm not afraid. You tried to rape me like twice now."

"Look I'm not gunna do that again."

"How can I trust you?" I started to yell.

"I was stupid alright. I really like you. That's why I did it. Stiles also told me that you knew I was a werewolf..." He trailed off.


"So, I'm sorry. It's been kinda hard lately and I just do insane stuff."

"You got that right." I said kind of rudely.

There was a moment of silence.

"My bathroom's over there if you wanna use it."

"Thanks." I said then walked into the bathroom. I just needed some time to think.

*3 days later*

Still Nikki's POV:

I spent the next three day at Scott's. I didn't really leave his apartment. We didn't really talk either. I just needed a place to stay a way from Stiles for a little bit. I mean, how could he say that!? Calm down, Nikki. I think it was time to come back though. Just to check on him.

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