Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Stiles' POV:

I woke up next to Nikki. She already had her nose in that book again.

"Morning." I whispered. She turned over at me and rubbed her nose against mine.

"You do realize we have school today, right." She said in a annoyed tone.

"No we don't." I smiled

"Uhh...yes we do. It's Monday."

"We're taking the day off."

"Really? Yay!" She exclaimed kissing my cheek like a little kid would if their parent told them they could take the day off. . "But you do realized we've been slacking off a lot lately right."

"Yeah, I know." I sighed not giving a care about it.

"You know I'm gonna go to the market real quick and then I'll be back."

"You want me to come?" I asked.

"No. I'll be okay."

*At the Market*

Nikki's POV:

I was walking around that market when I saw grapes were on sale for half price.

"Hello again." A familiar British voice said.

"Kian? Have you been following me?"

"Maybe." He said in a suspicious way.

"Then what the hell are you doing here?"

"Just buying half price grapes." He said grabbing a bag, but not taking his eyes off me.

"Okay then. Bye." I said quickly turning around.

"Wait." He said spinning towards him again.

All of a sudden, he quickly cupped my face with his hands and kissed me. Slowly our lips started to move in sync. As we parted I gave him a quick glance, then left.

What did I do?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2014 ⏰

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