Chapter 1: A Mission and a Witch

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Jenabelle's POV:

A tiny sigh exhaled from my lips as I stared at Chase with a raised eyebrow.

"Seriously, Chase. I could take you down easily," I tried to explain for the fifth time. However, knowing Chase and his fragile pride and ego, he wasn't swayed by my comment. Or, at least, he didn't appear to be.

Chase, my twin brother, scoffed and crossed his arms. "Oh really? Why don't we settle that right now?"

I chewed my bottom lip to hide my grin and looked around the lab. Adam, Bree, and Leo were watching with anticipation while Leo held a huge bucket of popcorn. How he managed to sneak it in during my twin brother and me's contest, I will never know. I knew I couldn't back down from the challenge. I could never give Chase the satisfaction of wearing me down so easily.

After a few seconds of contemplating my situation, I released my grin and stood from the chair I was sitting in.

Chase extended his hand, forming his blue laser Bo staff. I slowly walked in front of him, taking the time to tie my blonde hair into a ponytail. Once I stood in front of my brother, I extended both of my hands, activating my blue plasm-energy spheres.

"Gladly," I finally replied.

Before we could lunge into battle, Bree came over and got between us.

"Okay, we want a fair match. No crying, whining or tapping out. Good luck, even though I think Chase is gonna need it more," my big sister announced. I giggled while Adam and Leo snickered from the background.


Once the signal came, Chase flipped over and attacked me with his laser Bo, but I used my plasma energy to create a force field to block him. He stumbled back slightly, so I took that to my advantage and shot plasma spheres at him.

Chase blocked them with his laser Bo and smirked, "That all you got?"

I chuckled with a sly smirk, "Hardly." To his surprise, I slowly levitated until I was about two feet off the ground, letting blue energy surround my body. I looked down at him with aqua irises before aiming my hands down at him and blasting two beams at him. Chase activated his forcefield just before the beams hit his chest.

Chase's forcefield is strong, but I could tell the strength of my abilities was beginning to wane on him. So, before I could completely wear him out, I stopped the blasts and landed back on the ground with gentle force (I don't want to get killed by Davenport, thank you). Then, I super sped over to him and started to do hand-to-hand combat. I swung a punch to his shoulder, but, unfortunately, Chase regained his strength by grabbing my fist and sweeping his foot underneath mine, which made me fall to the floor and land on my back. I grunted slightly and stared up at him with fake defeat.

"Okay, I guess you are stronger than me," I mumbled. My brother smirked and nodded, so proud of his accomplishment.

However, I smiled innocently and said, "But not if I have something to do about it."

His smirk turned into a frown of confusion as he questioned, "Wait wha-whoa!"

Before he could get a word out, I swept my legs under his feet and used my energy to pin him to the floor.

The door behind us sounded open, making me face Mr. Davenport's amused yet stern gaze.

"Jen, why are you pinning Chase to the floor with your bionics?" my father (technically uncle) asked. I stopped using my powers and pulled Chase up with a helping hand before giving Mr. Davenport an innocent and cute smile. "We were just having some bonding time...," I flushed at Davenport's quirked eyebrow, "...with some family-friendly violence?"

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