Chapter eleven!

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He slowly leaned in about to kiss me. I felt his breathe on my lips. He tilted his head to connect our lips. We were so close to kissing.


"Ah god dammit."

I said sitting up.

"Wow. Take your anger out on the alarm clock. Nice way to start out the day."

Niall said while walking over with a toothbrush in his hand.

"Well I was having an amazing dream but that damned thing came and ruined it."

I said pointing to the alarm clock and gave it a death glare.

"Awe poor you. What was the dream about?"

He asked with a questioning look.

Oh god I knew he'd ask that. What am I going to say? 'Oh we were about to kiss'? Of course I'm not gunna say that..hmm..

"Well I was at an acting set and this guy came in screaming 'I got pizza!' and I was like 'oh yay!' cause I was hungry and all."

Okay maybe not the best coverup dream but its something!

"Mhm? Is that so?"

He said with a smirk? Smirk?! What?! Oh his smirk is so sexy and ah what? He's talking? Oops.. Maybe I should say something..

"Uh yeah! Why the smirk?"

"Oh I don't know. I think you talking in your sleep has a different idea on what that dream was"

He winked at me then left. He just ah shit what did I say in my sleep?!

"NIALL! What'd I say?!"

I yelled to him.

"That's for me to know and you to never find out!"

He yelled back.

"Ugh fine!"

And with that, I got ready for school. Lets see, outfit for today? Shorts or pants? White pants! With oh yes! Purple and white striped shirt! Perfect! And to match it, with lavender converse! Yay! Mascara and some lipgloss! Backpack and books and all done!

"Bye Niall! See ya later!"

I yelled while turning the handle to the door.


I heard a loud scream coming from the bathroom.

Off to classes I go. Fun.

"What's my classes anyways?"

I asked myself while getting my schedule out.

Let's see here.. First period is Art. Second period is Math. Third period is ELA(English Language Arts). Fourth period is Geography. Fifth period Physical Education(gym). Sixth period is Chemistry. And finally seventh period is Homeroom.

Good to know..but what's the room numbers?! Art=107, Math=53, ELA=132, Geography=101, PE=74, Chemistry=12, and Homeroom is in room 7. Great. Some are on the third floor. Walking and walking and -

"Who are you?"

"More like what are you?"

"Yeah! Are you from purplelandia?"

I heard voices coming from behind me so I turned around and saw these three guys.

"And who the hell are you?"

I said to them giving them a glare.

"Ooo. Someone isn't a happy camper. I'm Tyler."

"And I'm Damien."

"And I'm your worst nightmare. But every one calls me Drake."

"Hello Tyler, Damien, and Drake."

Once I finished saying that I felt a hand slap me. Hard. Oh god don't show that hurt. Ow ow ow its stinging. I looked up to see who hit me and it was that Drake kid.

"You bitch don't ever call me by my name!"


Way to not show weakness. Stuttering is a big no no. I kept my eyes locked on the boys and I see Tyler start to bring his hand up like he's gunna slap me. Before anything could happen I turned around and bolted towards mine and Niall's dorm. I ran through the cafeteria dodging a few people and chairs. I tripped over a few but I-

"Ow damn it!"

I screamed when one of the guys grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. It was Damien. Oh no. He looks the strongest out of the three. I struggled to get out of his grasp but it was to strong.

"You know, struggling won't help, it'll only make it worse."

He said while taking me to an empty classroom. Wait. There's a classroom near my dorm. Are we passing Niall? He's still in the room and if he heard my screams, he would come and help! Right?!

I look to my right and saw that we were passing dorms that were close to mine and Niall's. gotta wait till its the right dorm. AND NOW.


I screamed at the top of my lungs and when I opened my eyes I saw Niall coming out of the dorm yelling something I couldn't hear. Wait. Why can't I hear? I looked around and saw Tyler covering my ears. What the?


"Ah shit."

All three of them said at the same time.

"Let go of her and leave."

Niall said all demanding like. I felt myself being dropped and heard the boys walking away mumbling stuff.


I said while pulling myself up into a sitting position.

"Shh. I'm here. They can't get you now"

He said siting next to me and pulling me into his lap wrapping his arms protectively around me. He kept murmuring things but one question kept running in my mind; what just happened?







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