16 - Avoidance

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Rose's Point of View

It's hard avoiding someone that you like.

Especially when he seems to be there the whole time. When I went to the park to jog, I had saw him; When I went to the nearest MacDonaldds, he was there, getting a McFlurry; When I went to the bookstore, he was getting a mythology book; Just when I was about to go up the lift, I had saw him.

It was until the point where it was creepy. Like he was stalking me. But for one thing for sure, I knew he wasn't. How would I be so sure of that?

He scowled every time he saw me. He'd srunch up his eyebrows, look frustrated and purse his lips. Even though he looked sexy when he had done that. 

I'm now laying on my stomach on top of the couch, half-heartedly watching reruns of Friends while scrolling down my facebook home page.

I saw a post of Lily and Dana by the casino in Monte Carlo, looking fabulous with their striking poses as tycoons. I double-clicked on the comment button and scanned throughout the comments. It was mostly Dana, a girl called Jessa that was in their trip and...

My heart paused and fluttered when I saw his name. 'Demetri Arch: You having a lovely time there, I suppose? ;)'  

The smile on my face faltered when I realized the flirty tone with Lily, or who knows, maybe it was directed at Dana. 

Of course, I thought bittersweetly. The bitter was because I wanted him, but knew I'd never in a million years have him; the sweet was because I wanted the best for Lily, knowing a guy like Demetri doesn't appear often. 

And what type of guy Demetri was to make him so special? 

He had been the only one that Lilly actually put her guard down for. The only boy she'd let in after ... him. The only one that managed to make her be head over heels for him. 

I clicked hesitantly on his profile, and stiffled a gasp when I saw his latest post. 

"Sometimes I wish we could reverse a terrible, horrible, yet irreversible mistake - Feeling depressed."

As I felt my heart break and torn, I cried out inaudibly, smashing my head against the pillow. Nothing made more sense than the fact that he had not liked me in the first place. 

After all, I was always the reject. 


"Rose?" Her soft, delicate voice called out for me, a yellow dim light reached my eyes, glimmering like little sparks. A hand rested on my shoulder, immediately giving me a safe feeling. 

"Who-who are you?" I asked, unsure. 

The woman chuckled softly, sounding a magical as - "Cranelia?" I asked, hope showing in my voice. 

"That's right," Cranelia said, grabbing my hand delicately, as if I was a fragile china doll, one that would break any time. "I heard the heartbreaker that torn your heart. Decided to pay you a little visit," She sighed, pulling me towards a dark, dark room. 

"How do you know all these things that's wrong with my life?" I asked softly as she sat me down on a soft chair. Or so I thought it was. 

"What if I said I was your guardian angel?" Cranelia quried, pushing my  chair in so my chest was ever-so slightly touching a table. Or maybe it was something else, but I doubt it.

"Then I would think you are lying because if you were my guardinan angel, you would've protected me with all your heart," I responded almost immediately.

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