22 - The Ball

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Vampire Mates
22: The Ball

For some reasons that I couldn’t think of, even a British hottie in a sexy tux, with at least 20 girls fawning over him, couldn’t help me get past my crush on His very royal Highness, who had his tongue down my best friend’s throat.

I turned around and sucked in a deep breath as a fatal feeling (also known as jealousy) gurgled at the pit of my stomach, about to pour out, like the hot magma threatening to spill out of a volcano. I smiled, strained, at Justin, who was thankfully oblivious. He passed me the glass of punch I had requested for. He’s such a sweetheart, this Justin.

If only I could make Demetri treat me like this.

Then again, if there were endless possibilities, endless ifs that could come true, the world would be… perfect, almost.

Well, if only.

“You have quite the number of admirers,” I duly noted as I turned away from Demetri and Lily. Lily. She was in a gorgeous white dress that showed off her physique nicely. It was strapless, with a lacey bodice before it expanded outwards, creating frills as it ended at Lily’s long never-ending and skinny legs. She looked beautiful standing there. No doubt she had gotten the eyes of every bachelor in the room.

Justin smiled at me. “Well, I’ve only got my eyes on you,” he said, making me blush deeply.

If it had been Demetri saying that, I would’ve gotten a heart attack and maybe even faint. But, you know, Demetri’s not going to be saying that anytime sooner now.

Ah, the ‘ifs’ in my life.

Feeling slightly guilty that I was thinking of another guy as I was beside this ridiculously good-looking British guy, I smiled gently, “But it seems to me like these girls are dying to at least get a dance with you,” I saw Justin’s eyes dart around the room. His eyes seemed to stop at one particular girl. She was dancing with another man. Justin’s eyes grew sad. “Go on, I don’t mind.” I said, eyeing between the two – Justin and the girl. Ex couple, maybe?


“Not fair,” Justin said as he tore his gaze from the girl. “Look around. You’ve got at least 50 guys’ eyes stuck to you, admiring your beauty,” I blushed at his words. He was a charmer, indeed. He continued, “And, frankly, I do mind if my date dances with another guy. So if I go dance, and another comes and sweeps you up with, um, I don’t know, good looks and a charming accent, I would mind. A lot.”

“But I don’t,” I replied.

He playfully narrowed his eyes at me, “hm. It seems to me like someone is trying to get me off their back.” He stated. I laughed.

“Fine, then,” I said. “But, if this was your plan, you’re not getting laid tonight.”

Justin blushed, his face tomato red. “N-no! That wasn’t my plan,” he looked away as he brushed his hand through his silky hair.  I laughed. He scowled playfully.

I felt a pair of eyes burning into my back. I whipped around, only to see his cold blue eyes staring at me. He didn’t even flinch as we made eye-contact. He simply glared.

What did I do wrong this time? Stood out too much?

His eyes were chilling, straight down the bone. We held the glare for 10 more seconds before his eyes dropped down to my feet, examining me and scrutinizing me. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze. His eyes raked upwards before stopping at my chest area. I scowled as I blushed deeply. I turned around back to face Justin, but my heart was pounding fast and hard within me. If it weren’t for my ribcage, I’m pretty sure my heart would’ve just leaped out.

I was shy, definitely, and slightly humiliated at how I had reacted when a guy – the guy – had looked at my chest.

But a part of me, the delusional part, wondered as I traced a finger over the waistband of the dress.

Did he like it?


“May I have your attention, please?” Demetri said through the speakers, his voice steady and confident. A few girls giggled as they eye-raped Demetri. Not that I blamed them, he did look pretty good in that tux, with that hair gelled up.

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