Chapter one

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As I walked into Madison Middle School I was expect some of it.
I was expect some people to pick on me being hispanic and just moved from Mexico and all, but not nearly like it was. These people all day have called me a wetback and told me to go back where I came from. If only they knew how much I wanted to. All of my family still lives there. I wanted to fight back and to say something like, "I'm doing the work you are to lazy to do." But my mom, who really isn't my mom its Airacelli's mom, warned me ahead of time not to fight back. Not one person was nice to me all day. How hard is it to just say good morning. This is going to be a hard year I can see it already.
On the bus everyone was hitting us and pushing us to the back. No one would let us sit with them. Eventually, we found an empty seat on the very back of the bus. The seat beside us had a lot of backpacks on it. We didn't even try and ask them to move because we knew they wouldn't, so instead the three of us sat in a seat together.
"Why do we have to all sit in a seat together while they get a seat to themselves", Ana asked. "Because they are better than us, everyone is", I replied. "That is not true don't tell her that", Airacelli said. "Then you explain why we have to sit in the back of a bus and why that call us names and at lunch we have to sit at a table by ourselves! Why does nobody like us than?"
That is a question no one will ever know the answer to.

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