II - Confused

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M-my face is warm. There is dark hair obscuring my view. Warm arms are wrapped around me. Why are the arms warm? Who the fuck's hair is in m- whoever's hair it is, it smells divine. I'm not going to complain about that. But whose hair???? Wh- there's a nose poking my cheek.

oh my fuck who is kissing me

I opened my eyes to be greeted with the caramel-riddled ones of-

Oh my great lord of Hell, Kylo Ren is kissing me. Me.

Strange as the feeling may be, I leaned into the kiss, and quite awkwardly wrapped my arms around him, too. He's warm, he's alive. The hell did I expect? Him to be hollow, ice cold? No. I just didn't th-

"Cecil. Please focus on me."

"I'm sorry, Lord Ren."

A hand under my chin brought my vision up. Instead of being able to look at the tiled floor and hide the fear in my eyes, no, I have to look up at him. Bully. A grin swept across his face. Cute. Fuck, wait, don't think that. This is your boss' boss. Do not go around being all gay n shit. Not now, at least.

The grin is gone. He's staring at me. Is there something on my nose? My hair more of a mess than usual? By hell, wh... It's dark.

It's very dark. I can't see a thing. I can't move. I can hear and feel, however. I'm not sitting in my chair. I'm- I think I'm being carried somewhere. There's people scuttling away from me and whoever or whatever is moving me. Did I forget to feed Elk this morning? Maybe she's asleep. Hopefully. Thinking is... Tiring. Maybe I should sleep. Am I asleep? OWW, fuck! My foot just hit something. Great, a throbbing foot. I think I prefer the wood.

I'm tired, I don't want to think anymore. Maybe I should just focus on the lack of vision, and what that presents me with, a sort of numbness? I don't think it matters. I...

Where the fuck am I

The entire room is an even more repulsive grey than my own quarters. It screams "I didn't know which color so I picked a shade". Get me out of here.

Why do you want to leave already?

Holy fuck!
Crash. Boom, whatever the sound is called when you fall off something.

What did you just do, Alatan?

A shiver ran down my spine. Don't think about anything. Actually, think of a nice, safe, blank room. That'll be safe. Entirely safe, nothing to worry about. Wait, that's a bad idea. Uh, focus on what's around me. Maybe, just maybe, I can calm down like that. Ignore the intruding voice in my head. Get an idea of possible hiding places?

With a brush of my hand I could feel the floor under me, and clutching at the clothes on me, I could confirm that I had been redressed. As to why I was redressed, I have no clue. My work clothes were fine. There's a gigantic bed next to me. I think I dragged some of the sheets off it. Was I sleeping there? For how long? Ugh, all this thinking is giving me a headache.

"Urgh... My fucking head... The hell happened?" I groaned, and sat up. I have only a very large sweater and boxers on... What..?

"Good afternoon, sleeping beauty." That's not a natural voice. There's no way for it to be. I don't care what species you are, that can't be natural, can it?

A hissing, a breath, and a very dull but echoing thunk. The fuck?

Steps. There can't be stairs here. The floor I saw was flat. They're coming from another room though, so I guess it makes sense that I wouldn't know. Still, whose are they? And whose breathing? They're getting closer. And, they stopped. I'm not moving, fuck no, whoever it is can show themselves to me.

And, black slippers... Black Vader slippers. With bunny ears. Dark grey socks. With bunny faces on them. I'm starting to see a trend here. Aaaand, leggys are bending.

Holy FUCK that's a cute face.

"Hello, how are you, Cecil?" A pointed nose, off kilter, plump lips, Nutella-and-Amber spotted eyes, and almost black hair. What a cutie.

"My head hurts. And I'm confused. Other than that fine," I replied. Woah, my voice is hoarse. How long was I asleep for? A day? Two?

He smiled. A warm smile. Who the hell is it?

"I know you, but you don't know me. I'm sorry, Cecil," he sighed and his eyes swung to the side. As did his glorious hair. God, just let me run my hands through it. He chuckled and smiled at me again. I couldn't resist it anymore. I pulled him down and ran my right hand through it. So fucking soft. I raised my other hand and did the same. Like clouds. Retracting my hands, I felt ashamed. I hadn't asked if I could do that.

After a few awkward seconds that felt like decades, I muttered out an apology. The blush in my cheeks fought to get up, but ahah, no. I have more control than that. My vision, however, swept to my feet, and that was enough to shout out 'I'm embarrassed! Come look at how dumb I look!'

And then, as quickly as the mysterious and handsome man came, he was off. To the other room, where I saw the slippers thrown in my direction. I sheepishly picked them up and looked at them. Soft. Very soft. I heard a crinkling from inside one. A note.

"Dear Cecil Juniper Alatan,
I regret to inform you that you do not have permission to remain in this room. You are to report to your quarters by dinner, at the latest. You are to bring the slippers with you.

Signed C.R."

"Well that's fucking weird. Who leaves someone with Bunny-Vader slippers?" I said aloud, and only then did it dawn upon me that I could stay here till dinner. Where there's a big bed. And... Wait... A kitchen!! An actual kitchen!! Holy fuck!

Secrets in Plain Sight {Kylo Ren x OC}Where stories live. Discover now