V - It's Cannon!

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[[Fanart by MarFluffPanda ]]
"...Why not?" All of the relief. All of it, immediately flushed over me.

"Thank you, Ren," I yelped, throat dry. I've never felt better in my life. Acceptance. It's all I want. It's something, in my opinion, that I don't get enough of. He chuckled and smiled, probably the warmest smile I've seen since Connor met Marlene, and Marlene punched me in the arm, saying "I ship it" and tried to push him into me. Poor kiddo isn't innocent at all.

"Give me a kiss, goofball," Ren grinned, eyes alight with cheer. I lurched forwards, pressing my lips against his, and sighing through my nose. It feels so good to embrace someone. My lips tingled with warmth, and ripples of pleasure soared through my body. Ba bum. Ba bum. Ba bum. My heart was practically pounding in my ears.

Ren deepened the kiss, pulling away to breathe and sitting me on his lap. I looked him in the eye and sighed.

"You're not too bad a kisser, you know that, Ren?" I jested, and a laugh rumbled from his chest. I leaned against him and wrung my arms over his shoulders, resting my head, and closing my eyes. This felt good, like home. I felt safe, safe in the arms of Ren. I didn't expect to ever think those words, no matter how drunk. Life is a special thing.

I could feel his heartbeat, I could feel a pulse of blood every so often from his neck. And then, an idea struck me. I quickly reached down and poked at his stomach, earning a jolt and a yelp.

"You're ticklish! AhAH!" I grinned, poking him more.

"Khhh, hey, sto- heehee! Stop I- ahahshdhdh-" he could barely speak, THE TICKLE TAUN TAUN HAS ATTACKED HIM.

"Say I'm the greatest top!"

"Never! I graduated best top in my class!" AS IF. HAH

"Oh shut up, you gorgeous-haired Knight!"

"I don't have any hair!"


We rolled around his room laughing and making dick-jokes of a similar caliber. And 'your mom' jokes. And other bad joke types.

"So, what are you?" I asked, holding back giggles. I love telling these to Marlene.

"I'm tired from laughing," he sighed.

"Hi tired from laughing, I'm the greatest top ever," I said, giggling, finally. And then my giggles were joined by Ren's, creating a cacophony of laughter and snorts. I lunged over and nipped his nose.

"Mm.. Fuck! Cecil! Don't do that!" Ren had a slight blush on his face.


"I.. I have a.. Yknow..." His face is reddening.

"A what?" At this point, Ren's face was like a chameleon on a red dildo. He's blushing.

"A... Pain... Kink...." Maybe he has a long tongue? Maybe that's why he's more like a chameleon. A cute chameleon. A very cute chameleon. Wait... A pain kink? Cool. I've got lots of kinks. A growling kink, a-

"Cecil... Oh my god, Cecil... I can hear your thoughts, you know that, right?" SHIT.

"You're not disturbed... Are you?" I'm so dead I'm so de-

"No... It's fine.. Just try not to think about that stuff, please, it makes everything awkward," he said, eyes avoiding my own. Well now I feel stupid.

"Well, thank you for the complement, Cecil. Actually..."


"Can I call you Bean?" I laughed a little bit, staring at him with an 'are you serious face'.


"Yes. May I?"

"Um, sure? So long as I can call you Emo," I giggled, smiling at him.

"Sure, Bean," he smiled, pecking my cheek.

"Alright, Emo," I grinned back at him, pecking him on the lips. Again, he looked like a chameleon on a red dildo, he was blushing.

"M'lord, mind if I take you to the cafeteria for a date?" He kneeled down, looked up at me and held out his hand. How romantic.

"Why yes, my good sir," I smiled, holding his hand and dragging him up. I wonder if he can mind-wipe all those people of the memory of his face. I'd like to see him eat. I can bug him with anime sounds.

"What... Is an anime?" He asked, looking confused.

"What's an anime? What's an anime?? Only the best thing ever!"

"I'm kidding. But why would you watch Boku no Pico?"

"I was forced," I nearly cried. Not that anime, I didn't have a choice. I was quite literally held in place.

"By whom?"

"By a friend," I said, trailing off.

"Which friend?"


"Who's Matthew?"

"Marlene's boyfriend," I said, very much confused.

"Oh. Why?"

"Because he's like fucking Umaru. In public, he's an angel. He works perfectly. At home, or in private quarters, he's Satan himself, and I speak from experience."

"You... Watch... Umaru?" Fuck. I just implied that. Fuck.

"Yes. No. Maybe?"

"It's fine. Come on, we'll discuss anime later," he sighed, grabbed my hand and pulled me off the floor. I forgot we were on the floor. The floor is nicer than most people, come to think of it. I can always cry on it, I can always talk to it. And it doesn't criticize. Who needs people when we have floors?

"Can floors watch anime and talk about anime with you? I think not."



"Marlene, now is not the time to freak out. And we're not yaoi. Neither of us are gay, but yes, we are a couple," I mumbled, exasperated. One meeting with Snoke later, and it's already 10:30 P.M. Waiting for literal hours outside a big door is probably the worst thing I've gone through. This month, at least. There's been worse times. Much worse times.

"It's cannon! You guys are a couple!! Took ya long enough," she grinned, poking at us. Oi.

"Yes, well, the timing had to be right. If it wasn't, my little Bean mayn't have been okay with me," Ren said, ruffling my hair. Goddamn him and his being 2 inches taller than I am. I bet we have the same length. Ha. Beat that one, Ren. Like, actually beat it.

"He's probably right, yknow."


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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