Chapter 1

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So I drew that pic at the top too, all the pic's will be draw by me it's just this one has color.
This is a pic of Miko Suzuki in her uniform.


Third person

Miko was walking around the main campus of the school evilly glaring at anyone she heard talking bad about E-class while they were in class.

Eventually it was lunch time and all the students were walking out of the class rooms, Miko was waiting in front of the A-class classroom because, as much as she wanted to met Asano, she was waiting for him because she needed to get to the head masters room.

After waiting for awhile, that meaning 15 seconds, Miko finally got impatient and slid the door open by kicking it.

Everyone still in the classroom stared at the rainbow headed girl in shock, even Asano was just sitting there in shock watching her walk up to him and slamming her hands on his desk.

"You, Asano! Take my to the head masters room!" She said with confidence thinking to herself 'That sounds so cool!!!!!!!!!!'

"Um- What?!!" Asano shouted slightly.

"COME ON!!!!!!! I don't know the way!!!!!" Miko shouted grabbing his wrist and dragging him out of the class room "Left or Right?"

"R-Right-Ah!" Dragging him through the hallways till they got to the head masters room "Damn that hurt, who are you and why do you even need to see the head master?!"

"You can go now" she said using her hand to say go away.

"At least answer the question!"

"My name's Miko Suzuki and I'm here to ask to join"

"Join? You want to join this school? You can't just join you have to take a test"

"I know, well see ya" And with that Miko kicked both doors open to see an annoyed head master sitting there "Yo"

"I saw you running around the school, so exactly who are you?!" The head master said with narrowed eyes.

"Miko Suzuki and I'm here to join Kunugigaoka Junior High School, if you please"

"I'll allow you to take the test and I can see you already have a uniform so you can just get changed in the girls changing room, Asano you'll escort her there, understood"


"Yes farther" Asano said standing in front of the now broken doors.

"Let's go then, Asano"

"Please calm down you're so loud" he said putting his hands on his ears and watched the rainbow headed girl jump around.

She could hear all the mean comments saying about her hair and outfit but one of them stated by two girls hit her hard.

"OMG, that girl is soooo weird!"

"Yeah shes probably in E-class"

"Yeah, she's a loser. Just. Like. Them."

In that instant she stood in front of the two girls a hand on both of their necks holding them up "Suzuki!" Asano shouted using her seconded name and tried to get them down but couldn't move.

'What is this! She looks so weak and yet she's probably as strong as farther! It's like I can see her hair fully white like, like a snow leopard!'

"Do you what to repeat what you said about E-class please!" She whispered in a dark tone, but the two girls were already unconscious, She dropped them on the ground and walked away, her hair going back to normal.

A Rainbow in the Assassination Classroom (Assclass fanfic) ON HOLD!!Where stories live. Discover now