Maryam's story

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Maryam's email had finally loaded in the free WI-FI at McDonalds. She wasn't surprised to see the sentences "Sorry, you were unsuccessful in gaining a position to work with our company. All the best for the future" Maryam had come to Australia as a refugee from Syria when she was a child. It had been a year since she graduated from Western Sydney University as a journalist and about three months since her last job ended. Maryam had no clue that it would just take an angry customer complaining about his order getting mixed up. She still remembered what the customer told her when he was leaving. "Go back to where ya came from terrorist, y'all shouldn't be here if you don't know how to put a burger in a bag, I'm talking to your manager about you?".

Maryam's shoulders were slumped and her eyes cast down in a mournful gaze as she strolled home with fear that someone was following her at 10pm. She kicked a stone along the sidewalk and replayed all the job rejection emails in her mind. Maryam opened the door to her one bedroom apartment; it had been a long day and could hear her firm yet comforting broken mattress calling her name into the night. It was chilly; Maryam could feel the coldness through the hole of her blanket. She fell asleep thinking about the interview she had the next day.

This morning was different to the rest. Maryam made a tough decision that she never thought she would even consider. It was more like a sacrifice she had to make in order to 'fit in'. Today, Maryam did not wear the Burqa to her interview instead she wore tight black pants with a blazer. She left her burgundy silky hair out and neatly tied it into a bun; she hadn't walked out of the house without the hijab for almost sixteen years now. Maryam stared at her reflection in her cracked mirror and was disgusted. A sense of guilt rushed through her spine because she was going against her religion, her values and so on. This wasn't her; this was a person that wanted to fit into this cruel world, but to her doing this was her last resort. Bills needed to be paid and Maryam's stomach was relentlessly yearning for more than she could afford. With hope she made her way to her final interview of the month.

Attending interviews had become a habit for Maryam, but this one ran smoother than others. Her self-esteem was higher today, perhaps because she looked like everyone else or maybe because the job was related to her degree; Bachelors of Communication (Journalism). She went to McDonalds again to use the slow but free WI-FI as she couldn't afford paying for a plan at home. Maryam ordered two of the two dollar Chicken and Mayo burgers for dinner. While biting into the unhealthy burger, using one hand she checked her email. This was the moment of truth, did she get the job or not?

"Congratulation's Maryam Aziz, you have successfully been accepted into working as a junior journalist at the Special Broadcasting Services (SBS) channel. We would like you to commence your training tomorrow, Please be prompt. Thank you" read the email. Maryam's eyes were filled with tears of joy; this was by far the best day. "I'm finally going to have enough money" Maryam quietly whispered to herself.

Maryam got ready the next morning. She did not wear the hijab because her inner thoughts kept telling her that she only got the job because she did not have the burqa on yesterday at the interview; she looked like everyone else. However Maryam was afraid of losing the job again, therefore she did not put her Burqa on today as well.

Maryam entered the SBS building and with a smile bigger than her face, she greeted every single person. The thought of finally being able to earn and spend money to Maryam was enough to make her day. She arrived at her desk and saw a posted note stuck onto it, "Meet me in my office Maryam, from Mike". Mike was her manager; she had already known him as he was the one that conducted her interview.

"Good morning sir, this is Maryam, you wanted to meet me?" said Maryam.

"Good morning to you too Maryam, don't be afraid to call me Mike, not sir like the others" replied Mike, as he went over to shake Maryam's hand and kiss her softly on her cheek.

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