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ASalaamualaikum wrwb. 

This Edition of Evolve ends with one last article here. Yes, I know You don't want Evolve to die before it even learned to fly soaring high in the skies of not just hope but Change and freedom from shackles of stereotypes. Yes, I got a loooot of articles BUT it's still isn't what I want it to be. I want it to encourage every single person - whether you're not muslim, you harbor any notions  about islam or not TO READ THIS. It's for humanity. So I might do two separate versions or just one  but I don't know how can you separately show Islam from oneself when it is the reason why That person is even mildly likeable :P

Then In shaa Allaah You guys can help me out filling the newest edition. BTW HAVE A VERY EXCITING CELEB INTERVIEW COMING UP! STAY TUNED.

One last article from me..COMING UP SOON>

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