~Author's P.O.V~
~Adrien and Marinette wouldn't flaunt their budding relationship at or during school, they decided it would be best to keep it simple and subtle. Unnecessary attention was definitely something that neither of them wanted. However, there were times when they'd ride to Adrien's house or walk to Marinette's house together. It differed every day after school and every once in a while they'd sleep over or nap together after studying or playing video games.~
~Marinette's P.O.V~
*Looks at Adrien for a moment after looking at her math textbook.*
Marinette: Hey Adrien, do you...ever wonder why Hawkmoth has been less persistent lately?
Adrien: *Stops writing and taps his pen against his own math book.* I dunno...I think about it sometimes I guess, honestly I'm just glad he's staying off our backs for a while.
Marinette: Well...there has to be a reason behind it, what if it's because everyone is happy? Nobody's been victimized, and Chloé hasn't been tormenting the other students as much as she used to. *Clicks the pen rapidly while in deep thought.*
Adrien: *Sighs and sets his book down nearby.* Calm down Mari, I'm sure everything's fine. No matter what, we'll be able to defeat whatever Hawkmoth may throw at us. *Closes her book and puts it down next to his.* C'mere my lady, you need a break.
Marinette: *Rolls her eyes and scoots closer to him.* Fine, but just this once.
Adrien: *Grins and pulls her close to him in a warm hug.* I love you, Purr-incess.
Marinette: I love you too, Silly Cat. *Smiles a bit and snuggles in his arms gently.*
~Adrien's P.O.V~
*Watches her drift off into a cat nap and plays with her hair a bit while she sleeps.*
Adrien: ~I do kind of miss fighting out there though, sitting around doing schoolwork is extremely boring. However, I'd miss having moments like these with my lady, Mari~. Maybe she wouldn't mind if I took a quick look around Paris as Chat Noir, Plagg should be around here somewhere.~
Marinette: *Yawns and looks up at Adrien.* Adrien, what're you doing?
Adrien: Well...I uhh...I was thinking it'd be ok if I took a run around Paris.
Marinette: Well then I'm coming with you.
Adrien: ~I didn't think about that, what if Mari has felt just as caged up as I have.~ Ok, I don't know where Tikki and Plagg are, but-?
Marinette: I'm not going to get into costume, Tikki is still...healing...from last time.
Adrien: Right...well, I'll just get Plagg then. ~I should've remembered, it was my fault that Tikki got hurt. Another reason why Mari is caged here.~
~Adrien transforms into Chat Noir in front of Marinette.~
Chat Noir: *Bows curtly.* My lady~ Ready to escape the cage for a bit?
Marinette: *Smiles at the sight of his flirty and obnoxiously cute side of him.* Sure, my kitty.
Chat Noir: *Smirks slyly and picks her up bridal style before opening the window.* Hopefully we can make it back in time for dinner.
Marinette: *Wraps arms around his neck.* Yeah, hopefully.
Chat Noir: *Nods and leaps off the window sill to the next rooftop to begin their run around Paris.*

Chat Noir X LadyBug(MariChat may be included)
FanficSuggested by a close "tomodachi" of mine, so I'll be working on this along with my other stories. As said in the title, this will be LadyNoir and some MariChat fanfic. Thanks for reading, love you guys and your support!