~ ChatNoir P.O.V ~
~*Gasps at the sight of the akuma* No, no, no! Not an akuma, I can't- I-I won't!~
ChatNoir:~Wha-What's going on?!~
HawkMoth: Well, well, well. I see that you've discovered your true purpose to me, Chat Blanc.
ChatNoir: I'm not going to work for you HawkMoth, I refuse to fight against LadyBug.
HawkMoth: Have it your way, but you can't resist the temptation of getting revenge. Aren't you tired of getting your heart trampled on, now you have a chance to get back at her for all of those times. What do you say, Chat Blanc?
ChatBlanc: I...accept, but this isn't for you. It's for me.
HawkMoth: Just get me her miraculous, and you can do whatever to have your revenge.
~ LadyBug P.O.V ~
LadyBug: Why isn't he here yet? Doesn't he know I hate wasting time?
ChatBlanc: My a-paw-logies Ladybug, but I don't want to waste time either. You're always in a hurry, and never once stopped for a moment to notice how I feel. Now I'll make you see, and I don't care how long it takes until you finally notice me. *throws baton and misses by a hair*
Ladybug: Ch-Chat?! What's gotten into you! We're partners! *backs away but hits the wall behind her*
ChatBlanc: *Gets close to her and glares in rage* We "were" partners, I'm working for HawMoth now. I have only one job, to take your miraculous, and return it to him. I don't care what happens after that, I only want my revenge for what you've done to me. *rips the baton out of the wall and prepares to hit her with it*
Ladybug: *quickly dodges and runs away* I'm sorry Chat, but I can't fight you, not right now at least.
ChatBlanc: *growls and chases after her* Sorry, but I'm not allowing you to be a runaway Princess.
~ Narrator's P.O.V ~
~Ladybug didn't have time to fight Chat while there was still another person who's akumatized. She'll have to shake off Chat to deal with him later, but she had no idea how to fight without him being by her side. Another thing that she didn't wish to admit to herself, was that she was worried about him.~

Chat Noir X LadyBug(MariChat may be included)
FanfictionSuggested by a close "tomodachi" of mine, so I'll be working on this along with my other stories. As said in the title, this will be LadyNoir and some MariChat fanfic. Thanks for reading, love you guys and your support!