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    Time passes so fast we do not even notice. We remember the first days soaked in tears, and then we are carried by the time's stream. It happens when you see how much has the lemon tree grown up, you realize for how many years he is gone. He still continues being a part of you, but faded, faded a little.
    You remember how he meant the world to you, and how you meant to him. How much he loved you. You remember everything as it was only yesterday. But this lemon try testifies the contrary.
     You miss his smell, his way of seeing, opening his eyes and seeing with an admiration. You can not forget his cough, and his voice. You can not imagine how you forgot him.
    3 years and a half, how can you forget him in almost 4 years. How can you forget?
    How can you let go of him? How dare you? Then you remember the green anti-diabetic apples you used to eat...

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