Old Friend, New Secrets

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Chapter 2- old friend, new secrets & lies
    After Bella made a wonderful supper and Edward left, Elsa decided to take a walk in the woods and get rid of the stress from her hectic first day.
     As Jacob black patrolled the forest, he thought of his warm bed back in LaPush, and how he was going to have another sleepless night for no reason.
     Although he loved being a werewolf, it did sometimes have its ups and downs. Sure, you could run really fast, but if you were the fastest of the pack, then you would have the most patrol duty. Same for sense of smell and great strength. If you were all these, you had the most patrol duty. And Jake was all these things and more. So he and Sam Clearwater (who is the alpha male of the pack) had the most patrol duty out of the whole pack. Which really sucked because both forks and lapush were the most boring places on earth to be when there wasn't any rogue vampires attacking the towns.
      As all these things came to his mind, a twig snapped in the far-off distance in front of him. As he smelled the air, his nose started to burn with the familiar scent of vampires.
      As he pounced out of the bushes, he landed on something and held it down. Ad he looked down at what was beneath him, he saw a girl, about the same age as him. A HUMAN girl. But why did she smell like a vampire? And a familiar one at that. Edward maybe… it did look like she had come from the direction of the swan house.
    As he looked into her eyes, something clicked. Some that he only thought would happen with Bella.
As the gigantic wolf got off her, Elsa went to make a run for it. But every time she made a move, the giant wolf followed her. After five minutes of trying to escape, she finally gave up and sat on a log and sighed.
    "Why won't you let me leave wolf ?" She asked as she sighed.
     After staring into its eyes for what felt like 10 minutes, Elsa finally reached out and pet the  wolf's head. "My name is Elsa and I live back at the swan residence." She said  stroking his honey-brown fur. "Do you have a name big guy?" She asked, scratching behind his ears.
      When the wolf ran off, Elsa wondered what she had done to upset it. As it came back, she sighed and raised an eyebrow. "Why on earth is it carrying clothing?" She wondered as it slipped the too-big clothes on over itself.
       When Jake morphed back into a human, Elsa gasped loudly. "Yes, i do have a name... my name is.."he started
      Elsa gasped louder. "J-Jacob Black?!?" She sighed as she fainted.

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