Knielsen27 (dentist)

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Kat's POV

My boyfriend woke me up so early today. When he did my mouth started hurting again. It has been hurting for about 1-3 months. Now it REALLY hurts. I am trying to keep from telling my family and boyfriend because they will take my to the dentist and I am petrified of the dentist. I think I have a cavity, I HATE cavities. My boyfriend is moving in tomorrow so I am scared he will notice that I am not eating and that I am rubbing my mouth a lot.

Cameron's POV

I can't wait!!!!!!! I am moving in with my girlfriend tomorrow!! I am brining her on a surprising date tonight. When we got there she did not eat I was getting worried. I asked her is everything ok? She hesitated then said yes. I did not believe her. I said I am brining you to the dentist weather you like it or not. She started crying and hitting me. Let's go NOW! I feel really bad for her I hate to see her in pain and crying. As we are in the car I try to comfort her. She is still crying. I ask her why is she scared of the dentist? The dentist is here to help you not hurt you. When we get there I ask can I have an emergency appointment with Dr. Styles?

Kat's POV

I am really mad right now I HATE the dentist and guess where I am now the dentist! I do not want to be here right now. Owwwwwww I scream my mouth started hurting again and I am crying. I hate this. I start running away. Cameron catches me. Dr. Styles says can you open your mouth for me? I hearten fly do it. He says he is just going to use his mirror and explorer to find the problem. When he gets to the back tooth I start crying and screaming. He says he is going to take x-rays to see what he needs to do. After the x-rays are taken he says I need a root canal! I start screaming and crying. I am so scared I hate needles and drills. They calm me down enough to give me sleeping gas. When I wake up I am in Cameron's bed with him.

N/A I am really sorry this took so long. This is my first book and please do not judge. This chapter was not long and I am really sorry. If you did not like it please tell me. I need more requests.

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