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She looked at the world around her, smoke rising up, fire lighting up the night like fireworks.

Strange, it seemed like just yesterday she'd saved Olympus, still being the gods' pawn. Camp Half-Blood, safe and sound in her ignorance of what she could be. But now she had achieved all that she could be. This entire world, hers for the taking. Nothing stood in her way...there had been a rebel group, of course, but she'd obliterated it. Everyone feared her now. It felt amazing.

The fire still burned, and while it danced in her eyes, she knew she'd have to leave before some stupid monster decided to pop up, not that she couldn't kill it in one swift movement, but still, they were quite bothersome.

She gracefully leaped over the rooftops until she reached the fortress, the fortress she'd  built. Seventy feet tall, towering over everything. All sleek, black obsidian and iron. Only the best military fortress ever built, completely impenetrable. She still remembered making the blueprints, everyone thought she was crazy, but she wasn't. She built something greater, greater than Olympus, greater than the gods themselves.

Once she reached the ground, she fell lightly and stood in front of the door, a full DNA scanner going over and scanning her, "Queen Nightowl, admitted. Welcome back."

She smirked and walked in as the computerized voice opened the door. It was quiet, alone, but not lonely. She knew exactly where her soldiers were, in their positions, like always.

Her boots clacked on the hard, dark floors as she strode down the hallway. Before, she'd never really considered herself a high-heels kind of person, but she hadn't really considered herself a queen, either. She hadn't seen her own potential, everything she could be. Now she saw that, and became it.

Coming to the end of the hall, she reached a door. Putting her hand on the scanner, she was admitted and the door swung open into a huge room, a huge, black throne that matched everything else in the room, but lined with Stygian Iron, a way of showing she had no care for the rules of the gods, she'd craft her throne with the very material that she supposedly wasn't allowed to use.

Her boots clacking again on the hard surface, she climbed the stairs to her chair and sat upon it, lounging like the true leader she was. All of this, hers, and only hers. A terrible beauty that shrouded everything. But it was hers, and it was amazing.

Not a minute had passed as she sat there when a boy entered the room, about fourteen, maybe fifteen, with short brown hair and a posture that screamed newbie so loud the kid must have been recruited in the past week. He cowered a little, but managed to squeak out, "Your honor, there has been a breach. Most of the troops have been captured. The rebels are coming for you."

She cursed, and then looked back at the boy, narrowing her eyes, "Let them come. Thank you for delivering this message, what is your name?"

He mumbled, "Private 487.."

She smiled coldly, "Well, 487, when this is over, I will promote you. Given that you aren't slain in the process."

His eyes widened in fear, but she could see underlying excitement and pride. Of course he was proud. He'd pleased her.

She laughed and shooed him away, "Go fight, young one. Try not to die. You amuse me."

He nodded, scurrying off as fast as he'd come. The room fell silent, and she pressed a button on the side of the throne, revealing a door that slid open to reveal an array of weapons on the wall. She looked them all over, until her eyes fell upon a knife. Her first weapon, someone had found it in Tartarus for her. Her heart tightened at the sight of it, but she pushed the feelings aside. She grabbed it and felt its weight in her hand. Yes, this is the one.

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