Chapter Three ~Paradise Lake~

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Chapter Three ~Paradise Lake~

Lexi POV

I spent all weekend thinking about that Eric guy. Every time I said or thought his name my tiger would start purring. She still won’t tell me why she’s purring. I sigh as I walk through the corridor talking to Kane on my way to my locker. I stop dead still at what I see in front of my eyes. He… He’s… my mind goes blank as a single tear falls from my eye. He looks up from the girls lips. His head whips around and he looks me straight in the eyes and evilly smirks at me. I quickly turn and run back down the corridor forgetting about lunch, forgetting Kane next to me, forgetting about catching up with the others. I forgot everything accept the sight of seeing him flat against a girl against the lockers with his tongue down her throat, then looking up at me and smirking. I didn’t know why I was so hurt. All I knew was I had to get away and that the pain I was feeling in my chest might go away. I run out of the school. I go behind some trees strip down and shift. I pick up my clothes in my mouth and… I Run. I run and run, not paying any attention to where I was running. After a while I stop running and look around. I noticed I had run to a beautiful lake. It’s beautiful clear water was calling to me. The grass around the small lake was a healthy green and felt soft under my paws. I shifted back and stood up. The grass felt so soft and smooth under my bare feet. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Everything smelt fresh and healthy. I turned my head to the soft sound of splashing water. I saw a beautiful waterfall. And just barely I saw what looked like to be a small cave. I smiled to myself as I put the idea of exploring the maybe-cave later. I dropped my clothes on the soft grass and put my toes in the water. It was warm. I walk in until the water came up to my chest. I smiled just before diving into the clear water. I swam along the bottom of the water and just around the lake. I lost track of the time and what I was so upset about. I surfaced to get some air to dive back into the water when I heard a twig snap. I closed my eyes and concentrated. I heard then thumping sound of paws hitting the earth then a loud howl cracked the calm silence that was around me. I quickly swim to the water fall and hide behind the water. I was right there was a small cave behind the water. I quickly climbed into the cave and looked through the water as seven wolves appear. They all shift and I see that their all male. They jump into the water and start swimming and yelling to one another. I listen to what they were all saying.

“Hey! Guys look at this!” one of them yells out.

“What is it?” one of the guys reply to the first guy.

“It is girl clothes!” the first one yells out. Just then it hit me that I left my clothes on the grass and now all the naked males were going to find a naked me. I curl up into a ball and wrap my arms around my legs as all the guys look around.

“Are you tellin us Tim, that there is a naked girl here?” another guy yells out.

“Yeah, and by the amount of clothing there is only one girl.” The first guy… Tim replies.

‘Oh shit! What are we going to do Kitty?’ I ask my tiger.

‘If they come to close to us we shift and run.’ She says calmly. I nod my head.

‘Okay.’ I watch as two of the guys start swimming around yelling out ‘here sweet heart. You can come out of hiding. We won’t bite.’ Four of the five other guys start messing around in the water. While the last guy was sitting on the shore but I couldn’t see what he looked like besides the fact that he had a good body from what I could see. Kitty noticed him too.

‘Run to him. He is our Mate. He will look after us.’ She purrs in my head.

‘Are you sure he’s our mate?’ I ask her with worry.

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